Instant admin panels for Go apps. Turn plain Go code into HTML+CSS admin panel with a collection of common components and a predefined layout.
- EmbGUI is aimed primarily at microservices and APIs, that need to expose some stats or basic maintenance panel via HTTP HTML interface
- it has all the assets embedded, it's very convenient when shipping a single binary with no external dependencies
- it doesn't require to do any:
- JS
- layouts
- resource embedding
- advanced admin panels and websites
- JavaScript apps (there's no JS, just plain old server-side rendering)
- unique, custom styled panels (this lib is highly opinionated and styling is very limited)
package main
import (
var ui *embgui.EmbGUI
// sample page
func index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
page := ui.NewRoot("Hello") // "Hello" option will be active on navbar
form := page.Form("/newuser")
form.FormInput("First Name", "first_name")
table := page.GenTableBody([]string{"name", "surname", "action"})
row := table.Tr()
row.Td("").LinkButton("Inspect", "#")
html, _ := page.RenderPage() // skipping errors for a concise example
// another page that shares ui template with index
func world(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
page := ui.NewRoot("World") // "World" option will be active on the navbar
page.GenTiles(embgui.Tile{Title: "7", Subtitle: "new users"},
embgui.Tile{Title: "71", Subtitle: "new sales"},
embgui.Tile{Title: "90", Subtitle: "CPU usage"},
embgui.Tile{Title: "71", Subtitle: "disk free"})
tagWithUnsafeContent := page.P("<strong>hello!</strong>")
tagWithUnsafeContent.Unsafe = true
page.RawHTML("<p><i>hello world</i></p>")
html, _ := page.RenderPage()
// return embedded CSS data
// this will return gzipped CSS that is embedded into embgui sources
func css(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/css")
w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
func main() {
// template, shared among all views
// remember, that you need to pass a link to CSS assets
ui, _ = embgui.New("DEMO", "/app.css", []embgui.MenuItem{
{Name: "Hello", Link: "/"},
{Name: "World", Link: "/world"},
http.HandleFunc("/", index)
http.HandleFunc("/world", world)
// CSS assets used by embgui.New()
http.HandleFunc("/app.css", css)
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
This is still WIP! Things may change before it reaches 1.0.0!
- keep the ease of use, it always has to be from 0 to GUI in minutes
- no JavaScript, CSS only, keep everything server-side
- don't introduce any external dependencies like web-fonts or APIs (it should work in environments with no public Internet access)
- maintain compatibility with text-based browsers
- add charts (server side rendered)
- more components and elements!
EmbGUI uses wonderful Bulma framework for layout and styling. It's gzipped and base64 encoded and will be compiled with your app. Don't worry, it's just 30kb.
Bulma Framework is released at on MIT License (see css_file.go