Release V2.3.0
What's New
Filters to Identify Near-Neighbor Groups (FLINNG):
- Integrated a new indexing and similarity search library (FLINNG) that addresses the computational challenges of high-dimensional similarity search by presenting an index with fast construction time, low memory requirement, and zero query-time distance computations
- Instructions are provided (
Periodic backup (Auto-replication):
- Users can automatically backup db folder of VDMS periodically and restore the database as needed
- Instructions are provided (
Kafka Connectors:
- We are moving towards distributed VDMS and have provided Kafka connectors, configurations, instructions, and examples to use VDMS in a distributed manner leveraging Kafka
- Instructions are provided (
Video Improvement
- Addressed memory leak in video command
Independent C++ Client:
- Ability to build client independently without building VDMS server