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Intel Euclid RealSense camera for Intel Euclid.


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#Intel® RealSense™ Technology - ROS Integration

Supported Camera Types: R200, F200, SR300 and ZR300

Modified for Intel® Euclid


Version Best Known (indigo) Best Known (kinetic)
OS Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Kernel 4.4.0-34-generic 4.4.0-34-generic
Backend video4linux video4linux
librealsense 1.11.0 1.11.0
R200 Firmware
F200 Firmware
SR300 Firmware
ZR300 Firmware Camera:, Adapter:, Motion Module: Camera:, Adapter:, Motion Module:

###Installation: To begin with, ensure that ROS is installed. (See for instructions). Then, either install the realsense_camera ROS debian package or build it from source.

####Installing the ROS Debian Package

  • Install the realsense_sense camera package. Replace <*distro*> with kinetic or indigo.

    sudo apt-get install ros-<*distro*>-realsense-camera

    This will also install the required ros-<*distro*>-librealsense library on your system.

  • librealsense 0.9.2 and earlier require a few extra, manual steps to enable the use of the library.

    • Clone the librealsense GitHub repository:
    git clone
    cd librealsense
    git checkout -b b0.9.2 v0.9.2
    • Follow the instructions for Video4Linux backend ONLY. Only one of the three options for Step 3 should be completed

####Building the Package from Source NOTE: Ensure that the compatible librealsense version specifed in the Configuration section is installed.

  • Create a local catkin workspace (see for instructions).
  • Clone the source from
  • Run rosdep install --skip-keys=librealsense --from-paths -i <src-dir of cloned realsense repo> to install package dependencies.
  • Compile the realsense_camera package by executing the catkin_make command. Successful execution of command will build target “realsense_camera_nodelet”

Sample launch files are available in launch

###Package Features:

####Subscribed Topics None

####Published Topics (default) Color camera

camera/color/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    Color rectified image. RGB format.
    Calibration data

Depth camera

camera/depth/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    uint16 depths in mm
    Calibration data
camera/depth/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    Registered XYZRGB point cloud. By default, pointcloud is disabled.

IR camera

camera/ir/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    Calibration data

IR2 camera: Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.

camera/ir2/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    Calibration data

Fisheye camera: Available only for ZR300 cameras.

camera/fisheye/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    Calibration data

IMU: Available only for ZR300 cameras.

camera/imu/data_raw (sensor_msgs/Imu)

Each imu topic message will either contain angular velocity or linear acceleration data. The element 0 of the associated covariance matrix will be set to -1 to indicate the absence of data. E.g. If the topic message does not contain angular velocity data, then the element 0 of the angular velocity covariance matrix will be set to -1.

This topic message does not contain orientation data and hence the element 0 of the orientation covariance matrix will always be -1.

####Services get_settings (camera/driver/get_settings) Gets the current value of the supported camera options in "options:value" format separated by semicolon. set_power < true/false > (camera/driver/set_power < true/false >) # true - to power on the camera, false - to power off the camera Sets camera power to turn camera on/off. It turns off the camera only if camera has no subscribers. Otherwise it returns false. force_power < true/false > (camera/driver/force_power < true/false >) # true - to power on the camera, false - to forcefully power off the camera Sets camera power to turn camera on/off. It turns off the camera regardless of number of subscribers. is_powered (camera/driver/is_powered) Gets current state of camera power. It checks whether camera is on or off and returns true or false respectively. get_imu_info (camera/driver/get_imu_info): Available only for ZR300 cameras. Gets the IMU intrinsic data. Contains the custom IMUInfo.msg for the "accel" and "gyro" IMU sensors. Refer to IMUInfo.msg Definition

####Transform Frames rostopic echo /tf_static View the static camera transforms generated by the camera nodelet. You may refer to the ROS tf wiki for more commands.

####Static Parameters

    serial_no (string, default: blank)
        Specify the serial_no to uniquely connect to a camera, especially if multiple cameras are detected by the nodelet.
        You may get the serial_no from the info stream by launching the default launch file.
    usb_port_id (string, default: blank)
        Alternatively to serial_no, this can be used to connect to a camera by its USB Port ID, which is a 
        Bus Number-Port Number in the format "Bus#-Port#". If used with serial_no, both must match correctly for 
        camera to be connected.
    camera_type (string, default: blank)
        Specify the type of the camera - "R200", "F200", "SR300" or "ZR300".
    mode (string, default: preset)
        Specify the mode to start camera streams. Mode comprises of height, width and fps. 
        Preset mode enables default values whereas Manual mode enables the specified parameter values.
    enable_depth (bool, default: true)
      Specify if to enable or not the depth and infrared camera(s).
      Note: Infrared stream(s) will be enabled or disabled along with depth stream.
    depth_width (int, default: 480 for R200 and ZR300, 640 for F200 and SR300)
        Specify the depth camera width resolution.
    depth_height (int, default: 360 for R200, 480 for F200 and SR300)
        Specify the depth camera height resolution.
    depth_fps (int, default: 60)
        Specify the depth camera FPS
    enable_color (bool, default: true)
        Specify if to enable or not the color camera.
    color_width (int, default: 640)
        Specify the color camera width resolution.
    color_height (int, default: 480)
        Specify the color camera height resolution.
    color_fps (int, default: 60)
        Specify the color camera FPS
    enable_fisheye (bool, default: true): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify if to enable or not the fisheye camera.
    fisheye_width (int, default: 640): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the fisheye camera width resolution.
    fisheye_height (int, default: 480): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the fisheye camera height resolution.
    fisheye_fps (int, default: 60): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the fisheye camera FPS
    enable_imu (bool, default: true): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify if to enable or not the IMU sensor.
    enable_pointcloud (bool, default: false) 
        Specify if to enable or not the native pointcloud.
        By default, it is set to false due to performance issues.
    enable_tf (bool, default: true) 
        Specify if to enable or not the transform frames.
    base_frame_id (string, default: camera_link)
        Specify the base frame id of the camera.
    depth_frame_id (string, default: camera_depth_frame)
        Specify the depth frame id of the camera.
    depth_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_depth_optical_frame)
        Specify the depth optical frame id of the camera.
    color_frame_id (string, default: camera_rgb_frame)
        Specify the color frame id of the camera.
    color_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_rgb_optical_frame)
        Specify the color optical frame id of the camera.
    ir_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir_frame)
        Specify the IR frame id of the camera.
    ir_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir_optical_frame)
        Specify the IR optical frame id of the camera.
    ir2_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir2_frame): Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the IR2 frame id of the camera.
    ir2_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir2_optical_frame): Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the IR2 optical frame id of the camera.
    fisheye_frame_id (string, default: camera_fisheye_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the fisheye frame id of the camera.
    fisheye_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_fisheye_optical_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the fisheye optical frame id of the camera.
    imu_frame_id (string, default: camera_imu_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the IMU frame id of the camera.
    imu_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_imu_optical_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
        Specify the IMU optical frame id of the camera.

####Dynamic Parameters

For R200 cameras, refer to r200_params.cfg

For F200 cameras, refer to f200_params.cfg

For SR300 cameras, refer to sr300_params.cfg

For ZR300 cameras, refer to zr300_params.cfg

Note: For Autoexposure edge parameters, max value will go only upto the bounds of the infrared image. E.g. For 320x240 infrared image, valid values are within 0-319 and 0-239)

Use rqt_reconfigure GUI to view and edit the parameters that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure. Command to launch GUI:

$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

Command to change dynamic parameters using commandline:

$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /<node> <parameter_name> <value>
E.g. $ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /R200Nodelet color_backlight_compensation 2

###Running the nodelet: ####Getting Started Use the following command to launch the camera nodelet. You will notice the camera light up.

For R200 cameras

$ roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_default.launch

For F200 cameras

$ roslaunch realsense_camera f200_nodelet_default.launch

For SR300 cameras

$ roslaunch realsense_camera sr300_nodelet_default.launch

For ZR300 cameras

$ roslaunch realsense_camera zr300_nodelet_default.launch

Sample launch files are available in launch. Make sure the correct "camera_type" is specified to launch the desired camera.

View using RVIZ:

For color and infrared stream(s), you can open RVIZ and load the published topics.

You can also open RVIZ and load the provided RVIZ configuration file: realsenseRvizConfiguration1.rviz.

   $ roscd realsense_camera
   $ rosrun rviz rviz -d rviz/realsenseRvizConfiguration1.rviz

View using other commands: For color stream

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/color/image_raw

For depth stream

$ rostopic echo /camera/depth/image_raw

$ rostopic echo /camera/depth/camera_info

For pointcloud

$ rosrun pcl_ros convert_pointcloud_to_image input:=/camera/depth/points output:=/my_image

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/my_image

For viewing supported camera settings with current values:

$ rosservice call /camera/get_settings

####Launching Multiple Cameras Note: The following example is based on R200 cameras. Similar options are applicable to F200, SR300 and ZR300 cameras too, just by updating the "camera_type".

For running multiple cameras simultaneously:
Option 1: Using single nodelet manager for all the cameras

  • Use "r200_nodelet_multiple_cameras.launch".

Option 2: Using separate nodelet manager for each camera

  • Create ".launch" files similar to "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch" for each camera.
    • You may choose to include (or not) the "processing.launch.xml" based on your requirement.
  • Launch the ".launch" files for each camera in separate terminals.

For either option you must:

  • Update the "camera" and either the "serial_no" or "usb_port_id" argument with unique values for each camera.
    • "camera" should be a user friendly string that follows the ROS Names convention. (E.g. "camera1")
    • "serial_no" is the camera serial number and can be found by running the nodelet and viewing the terminal output
    • "usb_port_id" is Bus Number-Port Number in "Bus#-Port#" format, and can be found by using lsusb -t
    • if both "serial_no" and "usb_port_id" are set, both much match the same camera

###Unit Tests: The Unit Tests can be executed using either of the methods:

Using rostest command with test files

$ rostest realsense_camera <test_filename>
E.g. rostest realsense_camera r200_nodelet_disable_color.test 

Using rosrun command

$ roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_modify_params.launch

$ rosrun realsense_camera realsense_camera_test <args>
E.g. rosrun realsense_camera realsense_camera_test enable_depth 1 depth_encoding 16UC1 depth_height 360 depth_width 480 depth_step 960 enable_color 1 color_encoding rgb8 color_height 480 color_width 640 color_step 1920

Both these methods first starts the nodelet and then executes all the unit tests.

Sample test files are available in "realsense_camera/test" directory

###Developer API: Refer to the following:


  • Currently, the camera nodelet only supports the following formats:

    • Color stream: "RGB8"
    • Depth stream: "Z16"
    • Infrared stream(s): "Y8" for R200, F200 and ZR300. "Y16" for SR300.
    • Fisheye stream: "RAW8"
  • Generating a Depth Registered Point Cloud is very memory intensive. E.g. The topic /camera/depth_registered/points, generated by launch file "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch", works best at 30 fps using 640x480 resolution on a system with 16GB of RAM.

  • The camera does not provide hardware based depth registration/projector data. Hence the launch file "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch" will not generate data for the following topics:

    • /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw
    • /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect
    • /camera/depth_registered/image
    • /camera/depth/disparity
    • /camera/depth_registered/disparity
  • The performance benchmark for multiple cameras launched at the same time has not been defined yet.

  • For ZR300 cameras, the transform between base frame and imu frame has been hardcoded until librealsense supports fetching this data during runtime.


  • The usb-port-id logic does not work for F200 and SR300 cameras due to a known librealsense Issue #220. Until it gets fixed, use serial_no when multiple F200 or SR300 cameras are connected to the system.

  • Multiple cameras can only be started from a single launch file for F200 and SR300 camera types; see Issue #93. This appears to be linked to the usb-port-id librealsense Issue #220. Until it gets fixed, use a single launch file for multiple F200 or SR300 cameras.

  • For F200 and SR300 cameras, native pointcloud is not generated even after enabling pointcloud Issue #89. Unlikely to be fixed as current plan is to remove native point cloud generation.


Intel Euclid RealSense camera for Intel Euclid.







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