#Intel® RealSense™ Technology - ROS Integration
Version | Best Known (indigo) | Best Known (kinetic) |
OS | Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS |
Kernel | 4.4.0-34-generic | 4.4.0-34-generic |
Backend | video4linux | video4linux |
librealsense | 1.11.0 | 1.11.0 |
R200 Firmware | | |
F200 Firmware | | |
SR300 Firmware | | |
ZR300 Firmware | Camera:, Adapter:, Motion Module: | Camera:, Adapter:, Motion Module: |
###Installation: To begin with, ensure that ROS is installed. (See wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation for instructions). Then, either install the realsense_camera ROS debian package or build it from source.
####Installing the ROS Debian Package
Install the realsense_sense camera package. Replace
.sudo apt-get install ros-<*distro*>-realsense-camera
This will also install the required
library on your system. -
librealsense 0.9.2 and earlier require a few extra, manual steps to enable the use of the library.
- Clone the librealsense GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense.git cd librealsense git checkout -b b0.9.2 v0.9.2
- Follow the instructions for Video4Linux backend ONLY. Only one of the three options for Step 3 should be completed
####Building the Package from Source NOTE: Ensure that the compatible librealsense version specifed in the Configuration section is installed.
- Create a local catkin workspace (see wiki.ros.org for instructions).
- Clone the source from https://github.com/intel-ros/realsense.git.
- Run
rosdep install --skip-keys=librealsense --from-paths -i <src-dir of cloned realsense repo>
to install package dependencies. - Compile the realsense_camera package by executing the
command. Successful execution of command will build target “realsense_camera_nodelet”
Sample launch files are available in launch
###Package Features:
####Subscribed Topics None
####Published Topics (default) Color camera
camera/color/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
Color rectified image. RGB format.
Calibration data
Depth camera
camera/depth/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
uint16 depths in mm
Calibration data
camera/depth/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
Registered XYZRGB point cloud. By default, pointcloud is disabled.
IR camera
camera/ir/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
Calibration data
IR2 camera: Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.
camera/ir2/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
Calibration data
Fisheye camera: Available only for ZR300 cameras.
camera/fisheye/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
Calibration data
IMU: Available only for ZR300 cameras.
camera/imu/data_raw (sensor_msgs/Imu)
Each imu topic message will either contain angular velocity or linear acceleration data. The element 0 of the associated covariance matrix will be set to -1 to indicate the absence of data. E.g. If the topic message does not contain angular velocity data, then the element 0 of the angular velocity covariance matrix will be set to -1.
This topic message does not contain orientation data and hence the element 0 of the orientation covariance matrix will always be -1.
####Services get_settings (camera/driver/get_settings) Gets the current value of the supported camera options in "options:value" format separated by semicolon. set_power < true/false > (camera/driver/set_power < true/false >) # true - to power on the camera, false - to power off the camera Sets camera power to turn camera on/off. It turns off the camera only if camera has no subscribers. Otherwise it returns false. force_power < true/false > (camera/driver/force_power < true/false >) # true - to power on the camera, false - to forcefully power off the camera Sets camera power to turn camera on/off. It turns off the camera regardless of number of subscribers. is_powered (camera/driver/is_powered) Gets current state of camera power. It checks whether camera is on or off and returns true or false respectively. get_imu_info (camera/driver/get_imu_info): Available only for ZR300 cameras. Gets the IMU intrinsic data. Contains the custom IMUInfo.msg for the "accel" and "gyro" IMU sensors. Refer to IMUInfo.msg Definition
####Transform Frames rostopic echo /tf_static View the static camera transforms generated by the camera nodelet. You may refer to the ROS tf wiki for more commands.
####Static Parameters
serial_no (string, default: blank)
Specify the serial_no to uniquely connect to a camera, especially if multiple cameras are detected by the nodelet.
You may get the serial_no from the info stream by launching the default launch file.
usb_port_id (string, default: blank)
Alternatively to serial_no, this can be used to connect to a camera by its USB Port ID, which is a
Bus Number-Port Number in the format "Bus#-Port#". If used with serial_no, both must match correctly for
camera to be connected.
camera_type (string, default: blank)
Specify the type of the camera - "R200", "F200", "SR300" or "ZR300".
mode (string, default: preset)
Specify the mode to start camera streams. Mode comprises of height, width and fps.
Preset mode enables default values whereas Manual mode enables the specified parameter values.
enable_depth (bool, default: true)
Specify if to enable or not the depth and infrared camera(s).
Note: Infrared stream(s) will be enabled or disabled along with depth stream.
depth_width (int, default: 480 for R200 and ZR300, 640 for F200 and SR300)
Specify the depth camera width resolution.
depth_height (int, default: 360 for R200, 480 for F200 and SR300)
Specify the depth camera height resolution.
depth_fps (int, default: 60)
Specify the depth camera FPS
enable_color (bool, default: true)
Specify if to enable or not the color camera.
color_width (int, default: 640)
Specify the color camera width resolution.
color_height (int, default: 480)
Specify the color camera height resolution.
color_fps (int, default: 60)
Specify the color camera FPS
enable_fisheye (bool, default: true): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify if to enable or not the fisheye camera.
fisheye_width (int, default: 640): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the fisheye camera width resolution.
fisheye_height (int, default: 480): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the fisheye camera height resolution.
fisheye_fps (int, default: 60): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the fisheye camera FPS
enable_imu (bool, default: true): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify if to enable or not the IMU sensor.
enable_pointcloud (bool, default: false)
Specify if to enable or not the native pointcloud.
By default, it is set to false due to performance issues.
enable_tf (bool, default: true)
Specify if to enable or not the transform frames.
base_frame_id (string, default: camera_link)
Specify the base frame id of the camera.
depth_frame_id (string, default: camera_depth_frame)
Specify the depth frame id of the camera.
depth_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_depth_optical_frame)
Specify the depth optical frame id of the camera.
color_frame_id (string, default: camera_rgb_frame)
Specify the color frame id of the camera.
color_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_rgb_optical_frame)
Specify the color optical frame id of the camera.
ir_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir_frame)
Specify the IR frame id of the camera.
ir_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir_optical_frame)
Specify the IR optical frame id of the camera.
ir2_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir2_frame): Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.
Specify the IR2 frame id of the camera.
ir2_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_ir2_optical_frame): Available only for R200 and ZR300 cameras.
Specify the IR2 optical frame id of the camera.
fisheye_frame_id (string, default: camera_fisheye_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the fisheye frame id of the camera.
fisheye_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_fisheye_optical_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the fisheye optical frame id of the camera.
imu_frame_id (string, default: camera_imu_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the IMU frame id of the camera.
imu_optical_frame_id (string, default: camera_imu_optical_frame): Available only for ZR300 cameras.
Specify the IMU optical frame id of the camera.
####Dynamic Parameters
For R200 cameras, refer to r200_params.cfg
For F200 cameras, refer to f200_params.cfg
For SR300 cameras, refer to sr300_params.cfg
For ZR300 cameras, refer to zr300_params.cfg
Note: For Autoexposure edge parameters, max value will go only upto the bounds of the infrared image. E.g. For 320x240 infrared image, valid values are within 0-319 and 0-239)
Use rqt_reconfigure GUI to view and edit the parameters that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure. Command to launch GUI:
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Command to change dynamic parameters using commandline:
$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /<node> <parameter_name> <value>
E.g. $ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /R200Nodelet color_backlight_compensation 2
###Running the nodelet: ####Getting Started Use the following command to launch the camera nodelet. You will notice the camera light up.
For R200 cameras
$ roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_default.launch
For F200 cameras
$ roslaunch realsense_camera f200_nodelet_default.launch
For SR300 cameras
$ roslaunch realsense_camera sr300_nodelet_default.launch
For ZR300 cameras
$ roslaunch realsense_camera zr300_nodelet_default.launch
Sample launch files are available in launch. Make sure the correct "camera_type" is specified to launch the desired camera.
View using RVIZ:
For color and infrared stream(s), you can open RVIZ and load the published topics.
You can also open RVIZ and load the provided RVIZ configuration file: realsenseRvizConfiguration1.rviz.
$ roscd realsense_camera
$ rosrun rviz rviz -d rviz/realsenseRvizConfiguration1.rviz
View using other commands: For color stream
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/color/image_raw
For depth stream
$ rostopic echo /camera/depth/image_raw
$ rostopic echo /camera/depth/camera_info
For pointcloud
$ rosrun pcl_ros convert_pointcloud_to_image input:=/camera/depth/points output:=/my_image
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/my_image
For viewing supported camera settings with current values:
$ rosservice call /camera/get_settings
####Launching Multiple Cameras Note: The following example is based on R200 cameras. Similar options are applicable to F200, SR300 and ZR300 cameras too, just by updating the "camera_type".
For running multiple cameras simultaneously:
Option 1: Using single nodelet manager for all the cameras
- Use "r200_nodelet_multiple_cameras.launch".
Option 2: Using separate nodelet manager for each camera
- Create ".launch" files similar to "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch" for each camera.
- You may choose to include (or not) the "processing.launch.xml" based on your requirement.
- Launch the ".launch" files for each camera in separate terminals.
For either option you must:
- Update the "camera" and either the "serial_no" or "usb_port_id" argument with unique values for each camera.
- "camera" should be a user friendly string that follows the ROS Names convention. (E.g. "camera1")
- "serial_no" is the camera serial number and can be found by running the nodelet and viewing the terminal output
- "usb_port_id" is Bus Number-Port Number in "Bus#-Port#" format, and can be found by using
lsusb -t
- if both "serial_no" and "usb_port_id" are set, both much match the same camera
###Unit Tests: The Unit Tests can be executed using either of the methods:
Using rostest
command with test files
$ rostest realsense_camera <test_filename>
E.g. rostest realsense_camera r200_nodelet_disable_color.test
Using rosrun
$ roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_modify_params.launch
$ rosrun realsense_camera realsense_camera_test <args>
E.g. rosrun realsense_camera realsense_camera_test enable_depth 1 depth_encoding 16UC1 depth_height 360 depth_width 480 depth_step 960 enable_color 1 color_encoding rgb8 color_height 480 color_width 640 color_step 1920
Both these methods first starts the nodelet and then executes all the unit tests.
Sample test files are available in "realsense_camera/test" directory
###Developer API: Refer to the following:
Currently, the camera nodelet only supports the following formats:
- Color stream: "RGB8"
- Depth stream: "Z16"
- Infrared stream(s): "Y8" for R200, F200 and ZR300. "Y16" for SR300.
- Fisheye stream: "RAW8"
Generating a Depth Registered Point Cloud is very memory intensive. E.g. The topic /camera/depth_registered/points, generated by launch file "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch", works best at 30 fps using 640x480 resolution on a system with 16GB of RAM.
The camera does not provide hardware based depth registration/projector data. Hence the launch file "r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch" will not generate data for the following topics:
- /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw
- /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect
- /camera/depth_registered/image
- /camera/depth/disparity
- /camera/depth_registered/disparity
The performance benchmark for multiple cameras launched at the same time has not been defined yet.
For ZR300 cameras, the transform between base frame and imu frame has been hardcoded until librealsense supports fetching this data during runtime.
The usb-port-id logic does not work for F200 and SR300 cameras due to a known librealsense Issue #220. Until it gets fixed, use serial_no when multiple F200 or SR300 cameras are connected to the system.
Multiple cameras can only be started from a single launch file for F200 and SR300 camera types; see Issue #93. This appears to be linked to the usb-port-id librealsense Issue #220. Until it gets fixed, use a single launch file for multiple F200 or SR300 cameras.
For F200 and SR300 cameras, native pointcloud is not generated even after enabling pointcloud Issue #89. Unlikely to be fixed as current plan is to remove native point cloud generation.