released this
26 Jan 18:47
Added vibration shield.
Reactivated Facebook shield again.
Supported Android M permissions model.
Added a demo mode for exploring the app without the hardware.
Added the ability to skip the tutorial after initial installation.
Fixed a bug where the firmware upgrading doesn’t work.
Fixed a bug where the app doesn’t recover from certain crashes.
Added a ripple animation to the shields list.
Fixed push notifications icon to the correct one.
Added the ability to open the context menu by clicking on 1Sheeld logo.
Added more validations to GPS and NFC shields.
Enhanced the camera implementation and made sure that the photo has correct focus and exposure.
Fixed a bug where data logger notifications doesn’t open on some devices.
Fixed a bug in the email shield where sending emails wasn't working in the background.
Increased overall app stability and fixed other major bugs.
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