Inspect HOA backend challenge
This is a simple flask repository with some endpoints and requires a few more endpoints.
It follows a simple MVP (model-view-presenter) architecture with an additional data layer(repository) to access the data.
The view layer should only contain flask specific logic
The presenter layer should contain all the business logic
The model layer contains the business-models
Please fork this repository and add your solution to your new fork
The endpoints for users for this application already exist and follow the required architecture.
Please look at the code and following the same pattern, add an endpoint for the users where a user id is taken in the url and the endpoint returns the user with that user ID
Also, create a new
file in the view and presenter directories and create
the endpoints which can get all the HOAs and add another HOA following the same pattern as the users endpoints
NOTE: The repositories and models for HOAs and users have been finished and should not require any change, if you do need to change it, feel free and let us know why you chose to change it.