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Welcome to the Inshur Coding Challenge πŸ’»

Getting Started πŸ› 

Everything you need to get setup is within this repository. If you'd prefer not to use the code provided here that is fine. However, if you do use it we ask that you do not 'Fork' this repository, and instead you clone it.

Prefer Javascript?

We're using Typescript at Inshur, so if you can we'd love to see you using it. However, if you'd prefer to use Javascript that's fine, you can clone our other repository here.


  1. git clone
  2. cd welcome-to-inshur
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn start

Your Task πŸ“

In order to get to know you we'd like you to create yourself a profile page.

No profile page is complete without the following:

  • Your profile picture (can be of anything)
  • Your name
  • Your job title
  • Your favourite food

What we'd like to see being used πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

  • The API
  • Jest
  • React Hooks
  • CSS

Duration ⏰

You may take anywhere up to 2+ hours on your profile if you wish.

Submitting your code πŸ“¬

Once you're satisfied with your work, please push it up to a public GitHub repository and send us the link.

If you've chosen to clone this repository, use this command to replace the origin URL with a repository URL you've created:

  1. git remote set-url origin [YOUR_REMOTE_URL]