This project could be a used as
- a tutorial for learning the basics in liquibase
- a base for dicussing on how-to-use liquibase in a collaboration development project
This project is a simple example of a liquibase-project with maven ( ).
This liquibase-project is ready to run with MySQL and postgreSQL
Dependencies to mysql- and posrgresql-connectors are found in the maven pom.xml
By stating this is simple example : Not using complex commands, nor using extension
This simple project contains 5 changesets :
- 4 changesets that 'creates a table'
- 1 changeset that 'alters a table' by adding a column
In a project with multiple developers using a version control system (VCS)
- Guarantees that all the developers have the same schema on their local computer
- how : by version controlling the changelog-files
- Every developer has a unique (contains schema&credentials)
- how : ignoring the (if using git, update the .gitignore-file)
Check if you are able to update your database in your stage/test-enviroment with liquibase.
- Create a liquibase-project as a module amongs your other projects.
- version control the project.
- CI-tool: Run this project as a build-step before the module that depends on the db. 1. obs : credentials are stored in the
In this example the database is called 'denmark'.
You have to create the database before running the project
- see the
- setting: url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/denmark
- java
- maven
- a database-engine of choice
- pom.xml
- db: mysql-connector-java (version '5.1.37')
- db: postgresql (version '9.1-901-1.jdbc4')
- liquibase: liquibase-maven-plugin
- contains : driver and url to the database
- contains : credentials
- contains : path to the master.xml-file
- contains : additional such as ; 'verbose = true', 'dropFirst = false'
- master.xml
- contains : path to 'db.changelog-x.y.xml' , x.y are version-nr.
- db.changelog-1.0.xml
- contains : all of your changesets (note : every changeset has to has a unique id)
You are able to have multiple 'db.changelog-x.y.xml'-files
This project contains 2 files ; db.changelog-1.0.xml and db.changelog-5.0.xml
In this example every file has its responsibility
- The db.changelog-1.0.xml contains all your changesets,
- The db.changelog-5.0.xml contains a reference to an .sql-file
- The default-insert-for-admin_config.sql contains example content.
The following files are not necessary for the project.
They are just here as a configuration example.
In this example changesets are written in XML
You are not restrained to using XML for changesets.
Other formats are YAML, JSON and SQL
Simple rules
- You create new changelogs in the changelog-file
- You do not delete old changelogs
- Every changelog has a unique id
To run the project
type 'mvn clean install' in the same directory that the pom.xml-file resides
Check your database
The following 5 tables should have been created
- 3 tables defined in the changelog-files
- Additional 2 liquibase-tables
command-line tool:
"Using change information stored in the change logs and an existing database, Liquibase can generate database change documentation " How-To-dbdoc
NOTE : 'javadoc'-style documenation is created with this tool
command-line tool:
"When starting to use Liquibase on an existing database, it is often useful, particularly for testing, to have a way to generate the change log to create the current database schema. Liquibase allows you to do this with the “generateChangeLog” command_line command." How-To-Generate_changelogs
"Note that this command currently has some limitations. It does not export the following types of objects: Stored procedures, functions, packages,Triggers"