- 2011 - 2016: Bachelor's degree in industrial engineering
- 2017 - 2019: master's degree in industrial engineering
- 2020 - 2021: Smart City Institute at VAIV company, Sejong special city, Republic of South Korea.
- 2021 - Present: AI solution team at Hanwha systems/ICT, Seoul, Republic of South Korea.
Hi. I'm Inhyeok Yoo.
I have experience in various NLP project such as social media analysis, information retrieval, data analysis, text mining and sentiment analysis. You can check my C.V. here.
My goal is to be a GURU deep learning engineer in NLP area.
- Yoo, I., Park, J. Y., & Kang, S.W. (2018), A Study of Correlation Analysis between Increase/Decrease Rate of Tweets Before and After Opening and a Box Office Gross. In proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Science, ICENS, Tokyo, Japan 2018.07.31
- Yoo, I., & Kang, S.W. (2018), Exploring correlation between social network service and box-office grosses from large-scale Twitter data. In proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Science, ICENS, Sapporo, Japan 2018.01.31
- Lee, S.-S., Yoo, I., & Kim, J. (2022). An analysis of operation status depending on the characteristics of R&D projects in Sciences and Engineering universities. Journal of Digital Convergence, 20(4), 93–100.
- Sang-Soog Lee, Inhyeok Yoo, Jinhee Kim. (2020). An analysis of public perception on Artificial Intelligence(AI) education using Big Data: Based on News articles and Twitter. Journal of Digital Convergence, 18(6), 9-16.
- In-hyeok Yoo, Sung-woo Kang. Exploring. Exploring correlation between social network service posts and box office grosses from large-scale Twitter data. Underreview.
- 윤남식, 유인혁, 강원경, 강성우. (2019). 시내버스의 효율적 배차 시스템 구축을 위한 O-D 데이터 기반 확률적 수요예측. The journal of Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, 19(2), 1-9.
- In-hyeok Yoo, Geon-ju Lee, Ji-yun Park, Won-kyung Kang, Kyu-nam Choi, Sungwoo Kang. (2019). CRPN (Customer-oriented Risk Priority Number): RPN Evaluation Method Based on Customer Opinion through SNS Opinion Mining. Journal of the Korean society for Quality Management, 47(1), 97-108.
- Ji-Yun Park, In-Hyeok Yoo, Sung-Woo Kang. (2017). A Study of Correlation Analysis between Increase / Decrease Rate of Tweets Before and After Opening and a Box Office Gross. Journal of Korea Safety Management Science, 19(4), 169-182.
- 대상, I-GPS 최종성과 발표회, 인하대학교 실전문제 연구팀.
- Distinguished Paper Award, International Conference on Engineering and Science
- 2018.07.30 장려상, 교통 빅데이터 활용 우수논문 및 아이디어 공모전, 한국교통연구원
- 경영부문우수학술상, 대한안전경영과학회, 대한안전경영과학회지
- Distinguished Paper Award, International Conference on Engineering and Science
- 최우수상, 제 1 회 X-Corps 페스티벌, 한국연구재단 이사장
- 최우수상, I-GPS 최종성과 발표회, 인하대학교 실전문제해결팀
- 대상, I-GPS 중간성과 발표회, 인하대학교 실전문제해결팀