The COOS activity is conducted under the umbrella of the "Supporting Standards" modernisation group of the Unece and aims to create a common semantic model and vocabulary for Official Statistics. The ontology will allow a better formalization of the links between the ModernStats models (in particular the Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organizations – GAMSO, the Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM, and the Generic Statistical Information Model – GSIM), and help to connect these models to existing RDF vocabularies like SKOS or PROV-O.
The ontology is expressed as a Turtle file. This is the authoritative version of the vocabulary. See also the WebOWL visualization of the ontology.
A specification document is also available. This is work in progress, using the template of a W3C Community Group report for practical purposes, but that does not presume of the final form of the document.
Work on the COOS started in 2019 and produced a first version of the ontology (v0.4). The activity was paused in 2020, and restarted in 2021.
The projected roadmap is:
- January: Roadmap for 2021 activities
- February-April: Articulation with work on GSIM and Metadata Glossary
- May-June: Work on governance
- July: Expert review
- August: Final version 1 of the ontology
- September-October: Document on governance
- November: Submission to HLG-MOS for adoption