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Issues: ImisDevelopers/1_011_a_infektionsfall_uebermittellung

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Issues list

Do not delete me either de-public Label for issues to track using the issuetracker
#486 opened Dec 4, 2020 by DavidBaldsiefen Test Milestone
Do not delete me! bug Something isn't working de-public Label for issues to track using the issuetracker
#485 opened Dec 4, 2020 by DavidBaldsiefen
[Note to self] Fix/Cleanup vue.js config de-public Label for issues to track using the issuetracker
#477 opened Jun 10, 2020 by JonasCir
2 tasks
Statistics is still a dummy implementation bug Something isn't working
#470 opened Jun 5, 2020 by syntakker
Examine Multi-Language support part-client Changes to frontend structure
#436 opened May 27, 2020 by DavidBaldsiefen Some Day List
Normalisierung Telefonnummer
#418 opened May 25, 2020 by syntakker
User Interface Redesign f-patient-details Issues related to the patient details page f-patient-list Issues related to the patient overview f-patient-registration Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.) help wanted Extra attention is needed UX User Experience issues
#408 opened May 22, 2020 by HellerDominik
Feature: Symptombeginn effort-low This should take not much effort. enhancement This is an enhancement for an existing feature
Adding a test result multiple times architecture Architectural changes to the IMIS system feature This is a feature request part-backend Changes to the backend structure part-client Changes to frontend structure part-database Changes to database structure
#394 opened May 21, 2020 by lordpomeroy
Add probe -> add test result dialog flow effort-low This should take not much effort. f-add-probe Issues related to add probe screen part-client Changes to frontend structure prio-low Something is not important for now UX User Experience issues
#393 opened May 21, 2020 by lordpomeroy Simulation (CW22)
Date field cannot be exited using tab effort-medium This might take a while f-change-patient-data Issues realted to making changes of patient data in the DB f-patient-registration Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.) f-self-registration Issues related to patient self registration feature QoL Quality of life UX User Experience issues
#390 opened May 21, 2020 by lordpomeroy
Registering patient: status enhancement This is an enhancement for an existing feature f-patient-registration Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.)
#389 opened May 21, 2020 by lordpomeroy
Warnung bei Patientenregistierung wenn im Browser zurückgeklickt wird part-client Changes to frontend structure UX User Experience issues
#385 opened May 21, 2020 by HellerDominik
"Unbekannt" als Option in der Patientenregistrierung ermöglichen f-patient-registration Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.) part-client Changes to frontend structure prio-low Something is not important for now
Feature für Patientenliste: Letzte Änderung f-patient-list Issues related to the patient overview feature This is a feature request part-client Changes to frontend structure
#382 opened May 21, 2020 by HellerDominik
Staatsangehörigkeit als Dropdown f-patient-registration Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.) part-client Changes to frontend structure prio-medium Something has medium priority
[Suche] zeigt ungewünschtes Verhalten (PatientInput Component) bug Something isn't working f-request-quarantine Issues related to request quarantine feature f-search Issues realted to search feature f-self-registration Issues related to patient self registration feature part-client Changes to frontend structure
#375 opened May 20, 2020 by t0bska
Dialog Navigation: Request Quarantaine f-request-quarantine Issues related to request quarantine feature part-client Changes to frontend structure
#373 opened May 20, 2020 by Jochen-Sch
Health Agency Optimized 'Meldungs' Capture Dialog enhancement This is an enhancement for an existing feature
#371 opened May 20, 2020 by Jochen-Sch
Health Agency Dashboard effort-high This will take a long time f-dashboard Issues related to the dashboard f-statistics Issues related to the statistics feature feature This is a feature request
#370 opened May 20, 2020 by Jochen-Sch Some Day List
Case-Statistics effort-high This will take a long time f-statistics Issues related to the statistics feature feature This is a feature request
#366 opened May 20, 2020 by Jochen-Sch Some Day List
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