This is a web-based 2D Array Generator GUI made for my MonoGame framework game development. I created it when I grew frustrated with Tile Map Apps like Tiled Map Manager, and wanted a simple, reusable and barebones app. So, I created one.
How to use:
First, either download a zip of the project, or visit my Demo if you simply want to try out the interface.
Then, place any tiles you want in the folder named "tiles", and name them after the pattern
Where x is your file extension of choice.
(Supported file extensions are JPEG, JPG, PNG and BMP. All tiles must have the same extension.)
Afterwards, just open index.html with your favorite browser (Tested on Chrome & FF), and get started.
Create a new Map by clicking "Tools", and then "New". Enter your chosen file extension, and the tilegrid's dimension. After that, you'll find your pallet in the bottom left corner of the screen.
When you're finished with your masterpiece, simply click "Generate", in order to have the program spit out a C# syntaxed 2D Array.
Thanks for using Up, Up and Array!
Created a slightly easier to use UI.
Makes it easier to add and modify code. Markup.js is a file containing templates for popup messages. Tools.js is a file containing functions used throughout the project. Main.js still remains what it once was - the core functionalities.
With user availability in mind.
simply input a factor with which to scale the grid. (Default: 1)
the tile ID updates on keypress, so the arrows no longer have to be clicked.
this time restored functionality
Added a button for loading previously generated arrays with a specified syntax. Useful for saving / loading, for working on longer projects.
where returning null would clear the entire grid without forewarning.
and instead added a fixed palett field in the bottom left corner.
Currently, the way to use the brush, is to simply click on a tile once, which enables brush mode, and then simply click on a final tile to exit brush mode.