YABSS (pronounced "yabs") adds vanilla boss summoning items to a town NPC when you defeat their respective boss. For cross-mod compatibility, the NPC that sells the items can be configured to any pre-hardmode NPC in the base game, but defaults to the Dryad. Also adds purchasable instant summoning items for the following bosses: Wall of Flesh, Plantera, Empress of Light, Moon Lord.
If you have a mod like Calamity that already has this function built in, you probably won't need this one!
Requires [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828370879]Shop Expander[/link] to prevent shop overflow.
YABSS is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3, which can be found in full in LICENSE.md. Code prior to commit d51d06d0bb0886833797951203f62e15f6f61827
is licensed under the MIT License instead.
Rise from your grave! Note: 1.1 onwards is licensed under GNU General Public License v3. Version 1.0 remains licensed under the MIT License.
- Updated to work with game version 1.4.4.
- Added an alternate progression mode, toggled in the config, that causes spawn items to unlock for bosses that are next in progression instead of only once they've been defeated. This should allow for buying items for bosses that you have yet to beat, but are up next in the list.
- Added the Clothier Imitation Plushie to the shop, used to summon Skeletron even if no Clothier is present.
- Removed an erroneous statement from the description stating that clothier voodoo dolls weren't included (which they currently are!)
- Added a config option to change the NPC that sells boss summons.
- Changed the tooltip of the Bunny to explain its mechanics more accurately.
- The Cracked Sigil is now available after defeating the Lunatic Cultist, not the Moon Lord. I wouldn't wish Lunar Event grinding on anyone.
- Reduced the pricing of all items.
- Fixed a bug where killing the Destroyer would unlock summoning items for The Twins (and vice-versa.)
- Updated author and homepage.
Now with summoning items for the Wall of Flesh, Plantera, and Moon Lord as of 0.3.
Now with Truffle Worms as of 0.4.
Now with fixed WoF as of 0.5. Also migrated items to the Clothier, for better cross-mod compat.