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Laravel Form Builder

The form builder service for Laravel



composer require ilyasavich/form-builder

Register Provider and Facade

in app.php config

'providers' => [
    // ...

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Savich\FormBuilder\FormServiceProvider" --tag=config


To create new form first of all extending base Form class and overwrite method make. This method implements form building logic

use Savich\FormBuilder\Form;
use Savich\FormBuilder\FormBuilder;

class UserForm extends Form
    protected function make(FormBuilder $builder): FormBuilder

Create inputs

The package provide to create all available html inputs. To add new input in your form class you need call add method of builder instance. It signature

public function add(string $inputNamespace, string $name, $value = null, array $options = []) : Input

To create simple input write ...

use Savich\FormBuilder\Form;
use Savich\FormBuilder\FormBuilder;
use Savich\FormBuilder\Inputs\EmailInput;

class UserForm extends Form
    protected function make(FormBuilder $builder): FormBuilder
        $builder->add(EmailInput::class, 'email');



Here are several methods to customize input

// you can set input attributes in different ways
// also you can specify default input value

$value = 'Hello World!';
$attributes = ['class' => 'form-control'];
$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name', $value)->attributes($attributes);
$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name', $value, $attributes);


$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->label('My Label');

Group customization

By default inputs will generating in such format

$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name');

// generated view

<div class="form-group">
    <input type="text" name="input_name">

If you don't need to wrap input by group

$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->withoutGroup();

// generated view

<input type="text" name="input_name">

You can customize group attributes

$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->groupAttributes(['class' => 'my-class', 'inputID']);

// generated view

<div class="my-class" id="inputID">
    <input type="text" name="input_name">

Overwrite views

If you need specific input generating you can overwrite default view by your custom

$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->view('');

In case where you need to overwrite view without group you can ...

//this will overwrite code inside form-group div
$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->internalView('');

When you need to overwrite only group you can ... In view you have $input object that is an instance of your input class.

$builder->add(TextInput::class, 'input_name')->view('');

// in
// in withoutGroupView there path to internal view, you can specify custom or there will be default
<div {!! $input->generateGroupAttributes() !!}>
    // write custom stuff ...

Available input properties

The you can find list of available properties of $input object

Name Description
$name Input name
$value Input value
$attributes Input attributes
$label Input label in html
$view Path to input group view. Will be null if you don't set it in view() method
$defaultView Path to default group view. You can set it in config file
$groupAttributes Array of group attributes
$before Array of inputs that must be inserted inside group before current
$after Array of inputs that must be inserted inside group after current
$withoutGroup Can be set by call withoutGroup() method. Indicates that need generate input without wrapping group
$withoutGroupView Path to view inside group
$model Model that will be binding for input

Create simple form

For example you need to create simple login form with at least two inputs. Ok, it will something like that

use Savich\FormBuilder\Form;
use Savich\FormBuilder\FormBuilder;

class LoginForm extends Form
    protected function make(FormBuilder $builder)

After that you need to add this form in controller action

class LoginController extends Controller
    public function showLoginForm(LoginForm $form)
        $formHtml = $form->create();
        return view('login')->with('form', $formHtml);

And, finally, render form in view file

in resources/views/login.blade.php

{!! $form !!}

Lets create action for submitting login form. In our controller

class LoginController extends Controller
    // ...
    public function login(LoginForm $form)
        $form->request(); // access to request
        // login logic


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