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Pisces 5.1.6 Supported Options
tamsen edited this page Nov 12, 2016
1 revision
Example command line call:
Pisces.exe -BamPaths \path\to\my_S1.bam,\path\to\my_S2.bam -g D:\Genomes\Homo_sapiens\UCSC\hg19\Sequence\WholeGenomeFASTA -MinVF 0.02 -VQFilter 30 -gVCF True -i \path\to\my_interval_file1.txt,\path\to\my_interval_file2.txt -CallMNVs true
Arguments are now capitalization invariant. Some arguments from 5.1.5 are no longer supported.
Key To Icons In The Table Below:
Safety Category
- ✅ Required input parameter
- ❇️ Optional input parameter
⚠️ Experimental or dev use only.
Parameter Category
- 😷 Causes variants to be marked as filtered in the (g)VCF.
- 🚫 Causes variants to be omitted from the (g)VCF.
- 🔧 The value is an internal algorithm parameter
- 🛄 Sets input / output files or destinations
Pisces Argument Table:
Argument | Type | Default | Description | Safe? | Category |
MinVariantQScore | Integer | 20 | Minimum variant quality score needed to emit variant. | ❇️ | 🚫omits variant
B, Bam, BamPaths | String | None | File path(s) for input bam(s). This can be a single value or comma-separated list of multiple file paths. | ✅ | 🛄input
MinBaseCallQuality, MinBQ | Integer | 20 | Minimum basecall quality for a base to contribute to variant calling. Note that as well as filtering base calls, this also drives Pisces internal noise model. (ie, if all bases are Q20 and above, Pisces has believes that the noise rate is 1/100, and uses that to drive decisions) Must be between 0 and 50. | ✅ | 🔧parameter
BAMFolder | String | None | Parent BAM Folder. Must be provided if –B, i.e BAMPath(s). is not specified. | ✅ | 🛄input
c, MinDepth, MinDP | Integer | 10 | Minimum coverage allowed. (variant will be omitted or converted to a nocall if in gVCF mode) | ❇️ | 🚫omits variant
CallMNVs | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to call MNVs. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
ChrFilter | String | None | Debug option to variant call just the specified chromosome | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
Collapse | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to collapse variants together, 'true' or 'false'. | 🔧parameter
CoverageMethod | String | approximate | 'approximate' or 'exact' . | 🔧parameter
CrushVcf | Boolean | FALSE | Normally gVcfs are output in the "somatic" format, which has one line per allele. A crushed vcf is more standard in the germline world, with one line per genomic loci. Note: typically set to true in conjunction with the '-Ploidy diploid' option. | ❇️ | 🔧`parameter |
Debug | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to run in debug mode. Debug mode produces extra files/logs. | 🔧parameter
DiploidGenotypeParameters | Float,Float,Float | 0.20,0.70,0.80 | Comma-separated list of three numbers A,B,C between 0 and 1.A = minimum allele frequency to be detected as 0/1. B = maximum allele frequency to be detected as 0/1. C= minimum value for the sum of alleles 1 and 2. Ie, if C is not met, the site is flagged as 'Multiallelic' | 🔧parameter
MinimumFrequency,MinVF | Float | 0.01 | Minimum variant frequency allowed. Only affects somatic calling. Diploid calling uses a different parameter. Must be between 0 and 1. | ❇️ | 🚫omits variant
VQFilter,VariantQualityFilter | Integer | 30 | Threshold for variant quality score filter, to report variant as filtered | ❇️ | 😷filter
VFFilter, MinVariantFrequencyFilter | Float | None | FilteredVariantFrequency to report variant as filtered | ❇️ | 😷filter
SSFilter, EnableSingleStrandFilter | Boolean | FALSE | Flag variants as filtered if coverage limited to one strand. If all available reads go in one direction, this will filter everything. | ✅ | 😷filter
g, GenomePaths | String | None | Directory path for genome. This can be a single value or a comma-separated list of multiple genome paths.The genome used must match the genome used to create the input bam file. If multiple paths provided, the number of paths must match the number of bam paths provided in –B. Must be single value if -BAMFolder is specified | ✅ | 🔧parameter
GQFilter, GenotypeQualityFilter | Integer | None | Filters variants if genotype quality is below the given threshold. Should be greater than 0. | ❇️ | 😷filter
gVCF | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to produce genome vcfs, which include reference calls. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
i, IntervalPaths | String | None | File path for interval file. This can be a single value or comma-separated list of interval paths. If provided, file path(s) must exist. If multiple paths provided, the number of paths must match the number of bam paths provided in –B. Must be single value if -BAMFolder is specified | ❇️ | 🛄input
MinDPFilter, MinDepthFilter | Integer | None | Filters variants if the total coverage depth is below the given threshold. Should be above the minimum coverage depth to emit a variant. | ❇️ | 😷filter
MinMQ,MinMapQuality | Integer | 1 | Minimum alignment quality score, a.k.a. map score. Must be 0 or greater. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
MaxGapBetweenMNV, MaxRefGapInMnv | Integer | 1 | Maximum length of reference span contained in MNV. Must be 0 or greater. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
MaxGQ,MaxGenotypeQScore | Integer | 100 | Upper bound for genotype Q score. Must be 0 or greater. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
MaxMNVLength | Integer | 3 | Maximum length for MNVs. Must be between 1 and 1000. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
MinGQ, MinGenotypeQScore | Integer | 0 | Lower bound for genotype Q score calculation. Must be 0 or greater. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
Mono | String | None | Explicit path to mono. When -ThreadingByChr on the linux cluster, mono might not be detectable on every node as an environment variable, or the preset mono might not be the same version called by the user at the command line. If you are plagued by mono issues, use this to explicitly set the mono path. | 🔧parameter
NL, NoiseLevelForQModel | Integer | Same value as minimum basecall quality | By default, the noise level is taken to be the minimum basecall quality used, but it can be overridden here. The noise level is then fed into the variant Q score algorithms to determine the change of a false positive. Must be 0 or greater | 🔧parameter
NoiseModel | String | Flat | 'window' or 'flat'. If 'flat' is selected, the same noise level will be assumed for all loci when calculating the variant call Q score. By default, this is q20. If 'window' is selected, the average noise level in a window around the variant will be calculated based on local base call Q scores. (The window size is currently hard coded to 1). In practice, we have found keeping the applied noise level coupled to the minimum basecall quality to be the most effective. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
OutputSBFiles | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to output strand bias calculation files. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
Out,OutFolder | String | FALSE | Directory path in which to generate output and log files. | ❇️ | 🛄output
pp,OnlyUseProperPairs | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to only use alignments that are properly paired. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
Ploidy | String | 'somatic' | Available ploidy models are 'somatic' or 'diploid' . The ploidy model one input to determining the genotype of a variant. Note: '-CrushVcf true' should be used with this option to get the germline-standard formatted vcf, where co-located alleles show up on the same vcf line. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
PriorsPath | String | None | Path to vcf file containing known variants, used with -collapse to preferentially reconcile variants | 🔧parameter
MaxVQ,MaxVariantQScore | Integer | 100 | Upper bound for variant qscore calculation. Must be greater than 0. Must be greater than or equal to MinimumVariantQscore. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
RepeatFilter | Integer | None, off | Filters out indels, when the insertion or deletion is an exact match for the repeat element in a region of N repeats of the element. See the SDS for details. Should between 0 and 10 | ❇️ | 😷filter
ReportNoCalls | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to report fraction no calls in the vcf. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
ReportRcCounts | Boolean | FALSE | Debug option. When BAM files contain X1 and X2 tags, output read counts for duplex-stitched, duplex-nonstitched, simplex-stitched, and simplex-nonstitched. | 🔧parameter
RMxNFilter | Integer,Integer (or set to FALSE to turn off) | 5,9 | Filters out indels, when the insertion or deletion is bookended by an exact match (of length <=M) for the repeat element in a region of >= N repeats of the element. SDS for details. Value must be bool or M,N format | 😷filter
SBFilter, MaxAcceptableStrandBiasFilter | Float | 0.5 | Threshold for strand bias filter. Must be greater than 0. | ❇️ | 😷filter
SBModel | String | Extended | Strand bias model. Must be ‘poisson’ or ‘extended’. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
t,MaxNumThreads | Integer | 10 | Maximum number of threads. Must be 1 or greater. | ❇️ | 🔧parameter
ThreadByChr | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to parallel process by chromosome. Might require the -Mono argument on some cluster configurations. | 🔧parameter
TrimMnvPriors | Boolean | FALSE | Whether or not to trim preceding base from MNVs in priors file. COSMIC convention is to include preceeding base for MNV, which is NOT the Pisces convention. So, if you are using -collapse true and -priorsFile /mypriorsfile.vcf and your file defies Pisces MNV convention you need this. | 🔧parameter
- Pisces 5.2.10 Design Document
- Pisces 5.2.10 Supported Options
- Scylla 5.2.10 Design Document
- Stitcher 5.2.10 Design Document
- VQR 5.2.10 Design Document
- VennVcf 5.2.10 Design Document
- Gemini 5.2.10 Design Document
- AdaptiveGenotyper 5.2.10 Design Document
- Pisces Tools 5.2.10
- Suggested Pipeline Configuration 5.2.10
- Pisces 5.2.9 Quick Start
- Pisces 5.2.9 Design Document
- Pisces 5.2.9 Supported Options
- Scylla 5.2.9 Design Document
- Stitcher 5.2.9 Design Document
- VQR 5.2.9 Design Document
- VennVcf 5.2.9 Design Document
- Pisces Tools 5.2.9
- Suggested Pipeline Configuration 5.2.9
- Pisces 5.2.7 Quick Start
- Pisces 5.2.7 Design Document
- Pisces 5.2.7 Supported Options
- Scylla 5.2.7 Design Document
- Stitcher 5.2.7 Design Document
- VQR 5.2.7 Design Document
- VennVcf 5.2.7 Design Document
- Pisces Tools 5.2.7
- Suggested Pipeline Configuration 5.2.7
- Pisces 5.2.5 Design Document
- Pisces 5.2.5 Supported Options
- Scylla 5.2.5 Design Document
- Stitcher 5.2.5 Design Document
- VQR 5.2.5 Design Document
- Suggested Pipeline Configuration 5.2.5
- Pisces 5.2.0 Design Document
- Pisces 5.2.0 Supported Options
- Scylla 5.2.0 Design Document
- Stitcher 5.2.0 Design Document
- VQR 5.2.0 Design Document
- Suggested Pipeline Configuration 5.2.0
- Pisces Suite 5.2.0 Known Issues and Limitations