Unimportant stuff, like small projects, solutions of exercises, notebooks, etc. Check each branch for details.
- Sand: A mini programming language with ll(1) parser and a simple interpreter, support explicit function inlining, function redefinition, labeled loop, etc.
- CSAPP: Solutions of labs from Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3rd Edition.
- CppPrimer: Solutions of exercises from C++ Primer, 5th Edition.
- Leetcode: Solutions of leetcode problems.
- Gojuon: A simple practice of speaking and writing Gojūon (50 Japanese syllables).
- Notebook: My simple notebook where I record anything I need.
- STDJap: 书籍《新版中日交流标准日本语》的知识总结。
- D2RChar: 暗黑2重置版常见人物练法、加点、装备一览。
- MyConfig: My configuration files of SpaceVim, bash, tmux, etc.
- Kernel: Simple practices from The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide.
- Nqueens: N-queens problem in MiniZinc model and QUBO model.