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Progress on item info
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Iapetus-11 committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 526e2ff commit dd03b8d
Showing 4 changed files with 353 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions bot/cogs/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2405,6 +2405,142 @@ async def daily_quest(self, ctx: Ctx):
if view is not None:
view.message = message

@commands.command(name="iteminfo", aliases=["ii"])
async def item_info(self, ctx: Ctx, *, item_name: str):
"4july": "Fourth of July",
"halloween": "Halloween",
"mkwii": "Mario Kart Wii",
"easter": "Easter",
"mine": f"[{self.d.emojis.netherite_pickaxe_ench}]",
"fish": f"[{self.d.emojis.fishing_rod} ]",
"4july": f"[{self.d.emojis.american_flag} Fourth of July]",
"halloween": "[Halloween]",
"mkwii": f"[{self.d.emojis.item_box} Mario Kart Wii]",
"easter": f"[{self.d.emojis.bunny_ears} Easter]",
(key, idx) for idx, key in enumerate(list(FORMATTED_TAGS_FOR_TITLE))

processed_item_name = item_name.lower().replace(" ", "").replace("'", "")
item_name, item_count = await self.db.fuzzy_fetch_item_and_count(item_name)

findable_entry: Findable | None
if item_name is None:
# Couldn't find item in database, so no one has it, so try to find it in
# findable entries
findable_entry = next(
for fe in self.d.findables
if fe.item.lower().replace(" ", "").replace("'", "") == processed_item_name

if findable_entry:
item_name = findable_entry.item
findable_entry = next(
(fe for fe in self.d.findables if fe.item == item_name),

if item_name is None:
await ctx.reply_embed("No item with the name can be found")

db_item = await self.db.fetch_item(, item_name)

item_emoji: str | None = emojify_item(self.d, item_name, default=None)

embed = discord.Embed(

embed.title = f"{item_name} {self.d.emojis.air}"
if item_emoji:
embed.title = item_emoji + " " + embed.title

drop_rate_text = "Not mineable / fishable"
trait_text = ""

if db_item is not None and db_item.sellable:
trait_text += "💸 Sellable\n"

if findable_entry:
for findable_tag in sorted(
findable_entry.tags, key=(lambda t: FORMATTED_TAGS_KEYS.get(t, 100))
if findable_tag in ("mine", "fish") and "disabled" in findable_entry.tags:

if formatted_tag := FORMATTED_TAGS_FOR_TITLE.get(findable_tag):
embed.title += " " + formatted_tag

if "disabled" not in findable_entry.tags:
drop_rate_text = ""
if "mine" in findable_entry.tags:
drop_rate_text += f"{self.d.emojis.netherite_pickaxe_ench} Mining: `1/{findable_entry.rarity}`\n"

if "fish" in findable_entry.tags:
drop_rate_text += (
f"{self.d.emojis.fishing_rod} Fishing: `1/{findable_entry.rarity}`\n"

if item_name in ctx.l.econ.item_bible.item_mapping:
embed.description = (
"\n> \ufeff\n".join([
f"> {dl.format(prefix=ctx.prefix)}"
for dl in ctx.l.econ.item_bible.item_mapping[item_name].description
+ "\n\ufeff"

# tradeable: bool | None = None
# if findable_entry is not None:
# tradeable = not findable_entry.sticky
# elif db_item is not None:
# tradeable = not db_item.sticky

if (findable_entry is not None and not findable_entry.sticky) or (
db_item is not None and not db_item.sticky
trait_text += "🤝 Tradeable\n"

if item_name.lower() in self.d.shop_items:
trait_text += "🛍️ Purchaseable in `!!shop`\n"

if trait_text:
embed.add_field(name="Traits", value=trait_text)
embed.add_field(name="\ufeff", value="\ufeff")

embed.add_field(name="Drop Rate", value=drop_rate_text)

value=f"`{item_count} {'person has this item' if item_count == 1 else 'people have this item'}`",

if (
and (item_season := next((t for t in findable_entry.tags if t in FORMATTED_TAGS), None))
and (season_dates := self.d.findable_seasons.get(item_season))
item_season_name = FORMATTED_TAGS[item_season]

formatted_dates = f" ({season_dates[0][0]}/{season_dates[0][1]} - {season_dates[1][0]}/{season_dates[1][1]})"

name="Event / Season",

await ctx.reply(embed=embed)

# @commands.command(name="fight", aliases=["battle"])
# @commands.is_owner()
# @commands.cooldown(1, 1, commands.BucketType.user)
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions bot/cogs/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -332,6 +332,22 @@ async def remove_item(self, user_id: int, name: str, amount: int) -> None:
# update badges
await self.badges.update_badge_uncle_scrooge(user_id)

async def fuzzy_fetch_item_and_count(self, name: str) -> tuple[str | None, int]:
result = await self.db.fetchrow(
"SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS count "
"FROM items WHERE "
" REGEXP_REPLACE(LOWER(name), '[''\\s]', '', 'gi') = REGEXP_REPLACE(LOWER($1), '[''\\s]', '', 'gi') "
"GROUP BY name;"

if result is None:
return None, 0

return result["name"], result["count"]

async def log_transaction(
item: str,
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions bot/data/text/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2236,6 +2236,198 @@
"Pog champ!"
"item_bible": {
"item_mapping": {
"Wood Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `5/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Stone Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
"Stone Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `6/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to an **Iron Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
"Iron Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `7/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Gold Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
"Gold Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `9/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Diamond Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
"Diamond Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `11/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Netherite Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
"Netherite Pickaxe": {
"description": [
"When mining, has a `13/26` chance of mining up emeralds."
"Wood Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `1-2hp` against mobs."
"Stone Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `1-3hp` against mobs."
"Iron Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `2-4hp` against mobs."
"Gold Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `4-5hp` against mobs."
"Diamond Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `6-7hp` against mobs."
"Netherite Sword": {
"description": [
"Deals a base damage of `7-10hp` against mobs."
"Wood Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `10 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Stone Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `20 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Iron Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `30 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Gold Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `40 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Diamond Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `50 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Netherite Hoe": {
"description": [
"Allows you to plant up to `60 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
"Fishing Rod": {
"description": [
"Allows you to fish for **Cod**, **Salmon**, **Tropical Fish**, **Pufferfish**, **Rainbow Trout**, **Gold Fish**, and **Emerald Fish** using the `{prefix}fish` command."
"Vault Potion": {
"description": [
"Use the vault potion with the `{prefix}use Vault Potion` command to increase your available `{prefix}vault` capacity."
"Haste I Potion": {
"description": [
"Reduces the `{prefix}mine` command cooldown by `1 second` for `7 minutes`."
"Haste II Potion": {
"description": [
"Reduces the `{prefix}mine` command cooldown by `2 seconds` for `6 minutes`."
"Fortune I Book": {
"description": [
"Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-2 emeralds`.",
"This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
"Fortune II Book": {
"description": [
"Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-3 emeralds`.",
"This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
"Fortune III Book": {
"description": [
"Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-4 emeralds`.",
"This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
"Sharpness I Book": {
"description": [
"Increases base sword damage by `25%` (for a total of `125%`) when fighting mobs.",
"This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new swords. This enchantment book does not stack."
"Sharpness II Book": {
"description": [
"Increases base sword damage by `50%` (for a total of `150%`) when fighting mobs.",
"This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new swords. This enchantment book does not stack."
"Time Pearl": {
"description": [
"Upon using the item with the `{prefix}use Time Pearl` command, it fast-forwards time by two days; growing crops, resetting cooldowns for `{prefix}honey`, `{prefix}pillage`, `{prefix}search`, clears all active effects (for example, haste) and consumes the item."
"Shield Pearl": {
"description": [
"Using this item with the `{prefix}use Shield Pearl` command will allow you to prevent people from pillaging you with the `{prefix}pillage` for up to one month. Using this item will consume it.",
"If you use the `{prefix}pillage` command while a **Shield Pearl** is active, its effect will be cancelled and you will become pillageable."
"Rich Person Trophy": {
"description": [
"Greed has a price... Purchasing this item by running the `{prefix}buy Rich Person Trophy` command from the shop will immediately reset your inventory and balance, in exchange for certain bonuses.",
"With a **Rich Person Trophy**, you get a bonus to the `{prefix}gamble` command, `200%` emeralds from the `{prefix}trashcan empty` command, `150%` emeralds from opening **Barrel**s, and `200%` emeralds from the `{prefix}mine` command."
"Jar Of Bees": {
"description": [
"Purchasing **Jar Of Bees** from the `{prefix}shop` allows you to harvest honey from them daily using the `{prefix}honey` command."
"Glass Beaker": {
"description": [
"Allows you to transform a **Slime Ball** into a **Beaker Of Slime** with the `{prefix}use <amount> Glass Beaker` command, allowing it to be traded with other players."
"Netherite Scrap": {
"description": [
"This item is required when purchasing certain items from the `{prefix}shop`."
"Slime Trophy": {
"description": [
"Having this item in your inventory decreases your chances of missing attacks against **Baby Slime**s."
"Fishing Trophy": {
"description": [
"Having this item in your inventory decreases your chances of fishing up junk when using the `{prefix}fish` command."
"Infernum's Scroll": {
"description": [
"Allows you to change (re-roll) your daily quest with the `{prefix}use Infernum's Scroll` command. Using this item consumes it.",
"This item drops from all mobs with a chance of about `1/40` (affected by looting enchantments)."
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions bot/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -778,6 +778,14 @@ class Econ_DailyQuests(ImmutableBaseModel):
encouragements: Econ_Quests_Encouragements

class Econ_ItemBible_MappingEntry(ImmutableBaseModel):
description: list[str]

class Econ_ItemBible(ImmutableBaseModel):
item_mapping: dict[str, Econ_ItemBible_MappingEntry]

class Econ(ImmutableBaseModel):
use_a_number_stupid: str
page: str
@@ -802,6 +810,7 @@ class Econ(ImmutableBaseModel):
lb: Econ_Lb
trash: Econ_Trash
daily_quests: Econ_DailyQuests
item_bible: Econ_ItemBible

class Translation(ImmutableBaseModel):

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