- 這個問題的研究,應可透過觀察良好訓練的RNN的權重來得知。
- (Update: 2020/07/01) 進位制很容易從權重數值的視覺化來觀察到。
- (Pending: 2020/07/01) 尚不確定RNN為何要這麼encode。For the purpose of searchin orthogonal representation of digits?
To observe the behavior of Echo State Network (ESM) or Liquid State Machine (LSM) via building and training a binary digit addition network.
- Consider the binary digit addition network as finite state machine.
- The manifold of LSM reservoir has to be (at least?) equivalent to the aforementioned finite state machine. And the readout network will learn to translate the state of reservoir to binary digit.
- The performance of this network increased as the size of reservoir scaled up.
- What happened if I want to add three more binary digits?
- From binary digit to three-/four-digit problem?
- Is there a good pair of parameters (degree and mean and std of adjacent matrix) that produce a good reservoir?
- Plot: degree and the performance of LSM?
- Dissipation of information when the degree of LSM increased.
- How does initial status of reservoir impacts the performance.
- Visualization?