Made from:
- Julia, a fantastic up-and-coming language,
- JuMP, an algebraic modelling language for (integer) linear programming,
- HttpServer.jl, an HTTP server package for Julia made at Hacker School,
- COIN-OR CBC, an open-source integer programming solver.
This project is mainly for demonstration purposes. While you could probably solve sudoku problems faster with a dedicated solver, I wanted to show that it was
- Easy to get a server up in Julia, without much web development knowledge, and
- You can solve complex optimization problems using external solvers behind a web interface.
To run it for yourself:
- As far as I know, Windows isn't supported yet by HttpParser, so you need to be on OSX or Linux.
- Clone the repository
- Install Julia 0.2 (see site for instructions)
- Add the required packages:
julia -e 'Pkg.add("HttpServer")'
julia -e 'Pkg.add("JuMP")'
julia -e 'Pkg.add("Cbc")'
- Launch the server:
julia server.jl
- Navigate to the server in your browser:
- Requests should be of the form
for human-readable response - There should be 81 numbers, one for each cell of the 9x9 sudoku board, row-wise. A zero indicates a blank.
- Examples:
- http://localhost:8000/sudoku/31005800400.../pretty will return a human readable HTML table
- http://localhost:8000/sudoku/31005800400... will return a string of 81 numbers representing the solution