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IoT Alert Manager

This is a Symfony command-line tool that can be used to set up alerts (sending both emails and text messages) based on the last time a specific gateway or device was active (sent data).

For instance, if a device that regularly sends data stops communicating, this tool will detect the inactivity. Once the absence of data is noticed, it will automatically send out notifications to inform you. This can be particularly useful for monitoring the status of critical devices and ensuring they are functioning properly. It helps in quickly identifying and addressing potential issues, thereby minimizing downtime and maintaining smooth operations.


This application communicates with the OS² IoT API to look up gateways, applications, and connected devices. The gateways and applications are filtered based on their status (default: in-operation and project).

This project does not have a user interface but uses tags on gateways and metadata on devices to determine whom to alert and when not to send alerts. This decision has been made to keep the application relatively simple and to maintain IoT configuration in a single place (within OS² IoT).

Relationship between services

The diagram above outlines the different services and how they are related in this application.

The required data retrieved from the IoT API is converted into value objects to ensure type safety and stability. This process also helps in detecting and logging data anomalies.

The application uses Symfony Mailer to send emails and the SMS2Go API gateway to send SMS messages. Another gateway can be implemented using the SmsClientInterface and by overriding the injection in service.yml.


This application provides metrics that can be used for observability in Prometheus with Grafana. The metrics also include information on exceptions encountered during execution. These metrics are available at /metrics, though this path can be reconfigured if needed.


The application outputs basic log information and errors to standard output and error. These logs can be sent to Loki when running e.g. Docker.


The application's configuration variables can be found in the .env file and can be overridden using the .env.local file. For more information, refer to Overriding Environment Values via .env.local in Symfony's documentation.

In the next section, we highlight the configurations that you should or may need to change to get the alert manager working properly.

API access configuration

To access the IoT API and the SMS gateway, the following settings need to be obtained.

  • API_CLIENT_KEY (API key for the OS² IoT API)
  • SMS_GATEWAY_ID (Identifier used at sms2go)
  • SMS_GATEWAY_TOKEN (Token to access the sms gateway)
  • SMS_DRY_RUN (If set to true SMS will not be sent)

Status filter

This is used when commands are executed with the --filter-status option to filter out applications and devices that have one of the statuses specified in this comma-separated list.



Gateway alert configuration

The contact phone and email are not required information on gateways. If these values are not set, the following variables will be used as a fallbacks.


Device alert configuration

This application utilizes metadata on the device to get contact information. Since metadata consists of free-text key/value pairs, you can use the configuration below to specify which keys should correspond to different contact data.


You can also modify the "last seen" time (which is used to trigger an alert) for each device using a metadata field. If not provided, a fallback value will be used.

This is always given in seconds.

  • ALERT_DEVICE_FALLBACK_LIMIT (default: 86400 - 24 hours)
  • ALERT_DEVICE_METADATA_THRESHOLD_FIELD (default: notification_threshold)

If contact data is not found in the metadata configuration from above, these variables below can be used to define fallbacks.


Silence alerts

This application does not maintain any state, so it will send the same alert every time it is executed until the problem is resolved. There are two ways to silence or acknowledge an alert:

  1. Change its status to one not in ALERT_STATUSES.
  2. Set a tag on a gateway or on as metadata on devices with an until date.
  • ALERT_GATEWAY_SILENCED_TAG (default: silenced_until)
  • ALERT_DEVICE_METADATA_SILENCED_FIELD (default: silenced_until)
  • ALERT_SILENCED_TIME_FORMAT (default: d-m-y\TH:i:s eg. 18-09-24T16:00:00)

Templates (mail and SMS)

All email and SMS content is formatted using Twig templates. To change the wording, you can copy the templates from the /app/templates directory within the phpfpm container, modify them, and then override the original templates by mapping the updated versions into the container. Doing this way will not alert the application code and keep git clean.

Fallback order

This is the order of contact information fallback order.


  • Command override
  • Gateway contact information
  • Gateway fallback mail (.env)


  • Command override
  • Device metadata field
  • Application contact mail
  • Device fallback mail (.env)


If using Docker, commands are executed in the phpfpm container by executing bin/console. All commands have --help option which will output text explaining all the options and what they are used for.

For example, list all applications filtered on the configured statuses:

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:api:applications --filter-status

The primary command for the application is app:alert:checks, which runs the alert manager service. This command provides numerous options to modify its behavior; use --help to view all available options.

Below are three examples demonstrating basic usage. The first example checks all gateways, filtered based on the configured statuses, and disables SMS notifications.

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:alert:checks --only-gateways --filter-status --no-sms

The next command checks applications and thereby all devices found in the applications.

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:alert:checks --only-applications

This command executes all tests and covers both gateways, applications (and thereby devices).

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console app:alert:checks --all

API consumption test commands

Collection of commands to test and see information extracted from the IoT SPI.

  • app:api:application (Get a single application from API server)
  • app:api:applications (Get applications from API server)
  • app:api:device (Get device from API server)
  • app:api:gateways (Get gateways from API server)

Mail/Sms test commands

Two commands to test mails and SMS integration.

  • app:mail:test (Send test e-mail)
  • app:sms:test (Send test SMS)

Slutbrugervejledning (:denmark:)

Applikationers og Gateways' alarmering slås til ved at markere Status som værende I drift eller Projekt, hvorimod -, Prototype eller Andet ikke forårsager alarmer. Desuden respekteres Slutdato.

Ingen alarmer frem til en dato

Hvis en Enhed, Applikation eller Gateway ikke skal afgive alarmer frem til en bestemt dato:

  1. For Applikationer og disses Enheder: I OS2IOTs brugerinterface klikker man Rediger og vælger Tilføj metadatarække. Der skal så angives en metadatarække med Nøgle: silenced_until og Værdi på formen 31-12-25T00:00:00.
  2. For Gateways skal man under Gateway tags indtaste på formen {"silenced_until":"31-12-25T00:00:00"}.

Én enhed med særlig ansvarlig

Hvis enhederne i en Applikation ikke har samme ejer/ansvarlige, så kan man for en Enhed klikke Rediger og vælge Tilføj metadatarække. Nøgle skal være email og Værdi skal være på formen [email protected]. Der kan for SMS-varsling tilsvarende sættes nøglen phone med værdien på formen +4570241207.


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