Created by Guangming Wang, Chaokang Jiang, Zehang Shen and Yanzi Miao from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and China University of Mining and Technology.
If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:
title={SFGAN: Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Learning of 3D Scene Flow from the 3D Scene Self},
author={Wang, Guangming and Jiang, Chaokang and Shen, Zehang and Miao, Yanzi and Wang, Hesheng},
journal={Advanced Intelligent Systems},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
Scene flow tracks the three-dimensional (3D) motion of each point in adjacent point clouds. It provides fundamental 3D motion perception for autonomous driving and server robot. Although the Red Green Blue Depth (RGBD) camera or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) capture discrete 3D points in space, the objects and motions usually are continuous in the macro world. That is, the objects keep themselves consistent as they flow from the current frame to the next frame. Based on this insight, the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is utilized to self-learn 3D scene flow with no need for ground truth. The fake point cloud of the second frame is synthesized from the predicted scene flow and the point cloud of the first frame. The adversarial training of the generator and discriminator is realized through synthesizing indistinguishable fake point cloud and discriminating the real point cloud and the synthesized fake point cloud. The experiments on Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute (KITTI) scene flow dataset show that our method realizes promising results without ground truth. Just as human, the proposed method can identify the similar local structures of two adjacent frames even without knowing the ground truth scene flow. Then, the local correspondence can be correctly estimated, and further the scene flow is correctly estimated.
Install TensorFlow. The code is tested under TF1.9.0 GPU version, g++ 5.4.0, CUDA 9.0 and Python 3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04. There are also some dependencies for a few Python libraries for data processing and visualizations like cv2
. It's highly recommended that you have access to GPUs.
The TF operators are included under tf_ops
, you need to compile them first by make
under each ops subfolder (check Makefile
). Update arch
in the Makefiles for different CUDA Compute Capability that suits your GPU if necessary.
The data preprocessing scripts are included in data_preprocessing
. To process the raw data, first download FlyingThings3D dataset. flyingthings3d__disparity.tar.bz2
, flyingthings3d__disparity_change.tar.bz2
, flyingthings3d__optical_flow.tar.bz2
and flyingthings3d__frames_finalpass.tar
are needed. Then extract the files in /path/to/flyingthings3d
such that the directory looks like
Then cd
into directory data_preprocessing
and execute command to generate .npz files of processed data
python --input_dir /path/to/flyingthings3d --output_dir data_processed_maxcut_35_20k_2k_8192
The processed data is also provided here for download (total size ~11GB).
log_train_best/model_latest.ckpt.meta & log_train_best/model_epe3d_929.ckpt.meta
Pre-training the model on FlyingThing3D, the adjustable parameters include the data set path (--data), the loaded log (--log_dir), the number of points sampled from the point cloud (--num_point) and the training epoch (--max_epoch), etc. The command is as follows:
nohup python --gpu 0 --model model_concat_upsa_gd --data ../FlyingThings3D_subset_processed_35m --log_dir log_train_fly --num_point 2048 --max_epoch 1000 --batch_size 4 --pre_trained_dir log_train_best/model_latest.ckpt --gd_frequency 1 --weight_loss 1 > fly_logtrain.txt 2>&1 &
Fine-tune the model on KITTI. We release the processed KITTI scene flow dataset here for download (total size ~266MB). The KITTI scene flow dataset was processed by converting the 2D optical flow into 3D scene flow and removing the ground points. We processed the first 150 data points from KITTI scene flow dataset. Each of the data points are stored as a .npz
file and its dictionary has three keys: pos1
, pos2
and gt
, representing the first frame of point cloud, second frame of point cloud and the ground truth scene flow vectors for the points in the first frame. The first 100 frames are used to fine-tune the model.
nohup python --gpu 0 --weight_loss 100 --log_dir train_noshared --weight_g 2 --learning_rate_g 0.0001 --model model_concat_upsa_gd --data_kitti ../../dataset/kitti_self_supervised_flow --num_point 2048 --max_epoch 1000 --batch_size 4 --pre_trained_dir log_train_best/model_latest.ckpt > noshared1.txt 2>&1 &
A pre-trained model is provided here for download.
Set --max_epoch to 1 to perform model evaluation on KITTI. The last 50 frames are used to evaluate the model
python --gpu 0 --weight_loss 100 --log_dir train_noshared --weight_g 2 --learning_rate_g 0.0001 --model model_concat_upsa_gd --data_kitti ../../dataset/kitti_self_supervised_flow --num_point 2048 --max_epoch 1 --batch_size 1 --pre_trained_dir log_train_best/model_latest.ckpt >
- FlowNet3D Learning Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds by Liu et al. (CVPR 2019). Code and data released in GitHub.
- PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation by Qi et al. (CVPR 2017 Oral Presentation). Code and data released in GitHub.
- PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space by Qi et al. (NIPS 2017). Code and data released in GitHub.