This operator only takes one input of the functional type table.
It also takes 4 inputs from the user :
- Target : the name of the variable we want to predict in the input table
- ID : the name of the rows (or table key) of the input table
- Max Depth : the maximum depth of the tree. The default value of zero means there is no constraint on the depth of the tree.
- Class Balancing : Apply weightbalancing on the items inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data
Class Balancing is optional, default False: when True: apply a weight balancing on the classes,inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data, according to the following formula:
weight(label) = total_samples / (nb_classes*count_samples(label))
The operator has three outputs :
- TDT : a special format used by TDT viztool to show details about the built model
- Model : a binary dump of the best model found by the procedure, to be used by the Decision Tree Predict operator
- Dot : the visualisation of the best found decision tree in the GraphViz format
This IKATS operator implements predict algorithm for DecisionTree of scikit-learn
This operator takes two inputs :
- Model : previously trained in Decision Tree fit step
- Population : of the functional type table (Ex :
output from TrainTestSplit)
It also takes 3 inputs from the user :
- Target : the name of the variable we want to predict in the input table
- ID : the name of the rows (or table key) of the input table
- Table name : output with features and predictions
The operator has two outputs :
- Confusion : confusion_matrix as calculated in
- Score : accuracy score (ratio of correctly predicted observations to the total observations)