Example code for REST API 2 presentation at IEPUG on 7/19/2022
This is a follow-up for the Intro to REST APIs presentation the month before. Example code and slides for that presentation can be found here.
- rest_server1.py: - Basic Flask setup with Flask route decorators
- rest_server2.py: - Flask setup with Flask-RESTful classes
- rest_server3.py: - Moved routes to separate file with Flask Blueprints
- db_routes3.py: - GET routes for database access
- rest_server4.py: - Moved routes to separate file with Flask Blueprints
- db_routes4.py: - GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes for database access
- rest_server.py: - Moved routes to separate file with Flask Blueprints
- db_routes.py: - GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes for database access
- admin_routes.py: Admin routes for session control (Login/Logout)
- db_utils.py: Convenience funcitons for working with the sqlite database
- rest_test.http: HTTP requests for testing REST API in PyCharm