You will be assigned a Show and Tell presentation date here. Please research the assigned artist/designers/firms/pieces/collectives in advance. Each presentation will be about 5-7 minutes long. Be able to address the following, along with 3-4 visual examples of each individual or team's work:
• What is original/unique about how this artist uses technology?
• What kind of code did the artist use? (JavaScript? Flash? Procesing? openFrameworks? VVVV?). Try to find out! How are they using the code? What is the code achieving?
• Why is it necessary that the artist use code? (ie: particularly if it’s non-interactive, could it have been achieved with traditional or linear media?)
• Your presentation must be prepared and professional. DO NOT USE TEXT ON YOUR SLIDES, other than the artist's/designer's/firm's names. Show. the. work. Discuss. the. work.
• Do not present to me. Look at your audience, your classmates. You are presenting to them.
• Create a 5-7 minutes presentation (pdf, powerpoint, keynote, quicktime, etc.)
• Decide whether or not you want to mirror your presentation or not (if you're using presentation tools - ie, notes) Get familiar with your display preferences IN. ADVANCE. I'm. Not. Joking.!! I'm not kidding either. Borrow a cable from the student aids, and try it out on your own BEFORE class. Seriously. It makes all the difference in the quality of your presentation and your presentation nerves.
• If you have sound during your presentation, set your external sound preferences in system preferences to Crestron. Test this out on the projector before your present. See above.
Week 4A - Joshua Davis, Golan Levin (drawing systems + collaborations) ---> **
Week 5B - Casey Reas, Zachary Lieberman ---> Hang
Week 6A - United Visual Artists, American Artist ---> Allyson
Week 6B - Seb Lee-Delisle & Kyle McDonald ---> Joe
Week 6A - Julian Oliver, Moritz Stefaner, Martin Wattenberg ---> **
Week 6B - Lee Blalock, Soso Limited ---> **
Week 6B - Nina Wenhart, N-e-r-v-o-u-s-S-y-s-t-e-m ---> Minglin
Week 7A - Marius Watz & Memo Akten ---> Ayesha
Week 8B - Field -, JT Nimoy (formerly known as Josh Nimoy)---> Jun
Week 9A - Jurg Lehni, Red Paper Heart ---> Jerry
Week 9B - Amit Pitaru, rAndom International ---> Max
Week 10A - Eno Henze, Cedric Kiefer (onformative)---> Nikhil
Week 10A - Diato Manabe, Leo Villareal ---> Jiayn
Week 11B - Karolina Sobecka, Moment Factory ---> Serena
Week 11B - Robert Hodgin - Flight404, Karsten Schmidt ---> Mateo Week 12A - Bomani Oseni McClendon, Lauren McCarthy ---> Tyra
Week 12A - Lia, Santiago Ortiz ( ---> Katherine
Week 12B - Michael Hansmeyer, Waltz Binarie, Alida Sun ---> Jeryl
Week 13A - Paul Prudence,Yasmin Elayat ---> Stin
Week 13b - Chris Sugrue, Fernanda Viegas---> Maggie
Extra Credit Possibilities (if time): Chelley Sherman, Jessica In, Congraz, Rui Pereira, Todd Vanderlin, Jeff Crouse, Similar Diversity (by Philipp Steinweber and Andreas Koller), Poetry on the Road ...