This repository contains all the necessary artifacts to build the module B Windows test project for the WorldSkills competition 2024 in Lyon.
- Packer
- ESXi host
- Create new file named
and specify the file path of the ISOs
win11_iso_url = "/path/to/ISOs/windows11-enterprise.iso"
winsrv_iso_url = "/path/to/ISOs/en-us_windows_server_2022_updated_july_2023_x64_dvd_541692c3.iso"
esx_password = "password"
marking_secret = "FranceLyon2024_1313"
- Build images
cd vm-build
packer init windows-base.pkr.hcl
# Build Windows VMs
packer build -var-file=wsc2024.pkrvars.hcl windows-base.pkr.hcl
- The VMs will be stored as ova format and are in separate folder with the prefix