This repository contains all the code for the dSquad project.
It contains 5 canisters that are all deployed on the Internet Computer.
It also contains the assets that compose the collection, some audits that have been perfomed and scripts to help with deployments, testing and configuration.
- Avatar minter that allow for customizable NFT minting, integrate with the EXT standard and composable with accessories.
- Build the dynamic accessory collection, integrate with the EXT standard and Entrepot marketplace and composable with avatars.
- Integrates CAP for transaction and mint history for both collections.
- Integrates CanisterGeek for monitoring and logs system.
- Compatible with Plug and Stoic wallets.
- HTTP interface for canister informations, asset preview and nft rendering.
- Invoice system for processing fees & verification of payments.
- Design of the econony and recipes for accessories with automatic burning mechanism.
- Activity tracking system leveraging DAB & CAP.
- Gameplay : scores (daily engagement & style) & missions.
- Leaderboard & reward system.
- Integrate covercode for code verification.
Make sure you have :
- Dfx installed (>= 0.9.3).
- Node & npm.
- Vessel (Package manager for Motoko) :
Run the followings commands to start your replica, install dependencies and deploy the canisters :
dfx start --clean
npm install
vessel install
npm run local
If you want to upload assets into the canisters run :
npm run local:upload
During the deploy process, a local identity that you can use within node has been set up inside keys/keys.json.
This identity is automatically set up as admin for all the canisters (expect the ledger).
import { fetchIdentity } from "src/node/account";
let identity = fetchIdentity("admin");
console.log("My principal is : " + identity.getPrincipal().toString())