Releases: IBMStreams/streamsx.sttgateway
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.5
This release has code changes for using a round robin algorithm in the VgwDataRouter application to select a particular speech processor to handle a newly arrived voice call. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.4
This release has code changes for handling certain error situations where the SpeechProcessor will send much more than the required two transcriptionCompleted signals. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.3
This release has code changes for scaling the VgwDataRouterMini to handle many voice calls with reduced usage of CPU cycles. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.2
This release fixes a problem in populating the call start time in the STT result. It adds three new parameters to the WatsonSTT operator to control the speaker detector sensitivity. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.1
This release adds a feature to dynamically change the maximum concurrent calls allowed value as well as to query the the current max concurrent calls allowed value and the currently active concurrent calls count. There are more changes to include the utterance latency since the call start time, new metric to display the throttled calls count, option to redact numeric values in the speech result, write the STT engine id and result processor ids in the call started file, making the STT URI parameter mandatory, new call simulation script, bulk speech processor jobs start and stop script etc. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.3.0
This release adds a feature to parse the SIP invite custom headers such as Cisco-Guid and propagate it for downstream operators to correlate a given call with a particular call center agent id. There are more changes to include the utterance result reception time, making next gen speech model as default etc. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.2.9
This release has a major design change to completely remove the second output stream from the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator. This second output stream used to carry "End Of Call Signal (EOCS)" to indicate the end of a voice call. Due to port locking and out of order tuple processing possibilities among the two output streams under high call volume conditions, it was decided to have only one output stream to carry both the binary speech data and the EOCS messages. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.2.8
This release has changes for catching the exception thrown when a VGW connection handle can't be found in the connection map of the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator. It also has another change to wait for the Boost ASIO service thread's run loop to exit before shutting down that operator in order to avoid the "Port in use. Underlying Transport Error" problem when that operator is started immediately after a shutdown. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.2.7
This release has a fix for handling the missing VGW start session message for a voice channel and/or missing speech data packet for a voice channel in the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator so that the downstream application logic doesn't run out of speech engines by not being able to free up the in-use speech engines for new voice calls. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new:
streamsx.sttgateway toolkit v2.2.6
This release has a new way for the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator to send the "End Of Call Signal (EOCS)" in a reliable and consistent way when an ongoing voice call ends. Please always use the tar.gz file that has version number, date, time, MD5 and sha1.
What's new: