Web app that will generate a Cloud Foundry manifest file to simplify the cf push command for your application.
Fill out the form and click the generate button. Copy and past the resulting manifest text into a file called manifest.yml and save it in the root of your application. Your cf push command will automatically find the manifest file and use the values within it to deploy your application.
git clone [email protected]:IBM-Bluemix/cf-manifest-generator.git
This project uses Maven to build and deploy the app, so you must have Maven installed and configured on your machine. You can follow the simple instructions out on the Maven site to install Maven.
Once you have Maven installed, run this command from the root of the project to build the code.
mvn package
To run the application locally run
mvn -P run
Then open your favorite browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.
You can also deploy this application to BlueMix or any Cloud Foundry deployment. To deploy the application to BlueMix run
mvn -P deploy -Dorg=organization -Dspace=space
To execute this command successfully you will need to make sure you have configured your settings.xml file with your username and password for BlueMix. See the Cloud Foundry Maven plugin documentation for details on how to do this. The ID of server this project uses is BlueMix. If you want to use something different you will need to update the deploy profile in the POM. If you want to use a Cloud Foundry instance other than BlueMix you will need to change the target property in the deploy profile of the POM.
See LICENSE file in the root of the repository.
For sever side dependencies see the pom.xml file in the root of the repository.
Client side dependencies can be found below.