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Sentiment analysis in reviews, comments, tweets, captions is one of the trending projects right now in the DL and ML domains, we use the NLU engine to analyze the sentiments of the texts, as well as try to classify the labelled texts using BERT, Roberta models. This project focuses on the unlabeled where you can try to analyze the tweets of the hashtags using different libraries and based on your analysis you can make plots and make an observation from it. One can understand the behaviour of the public sentiment at different times, let's say what is the trend of positivity in human sentiments during weekdays and weekends, how is the trend of the negativity curve during the month ends, etc. For completing the goals datasets have been provided, as well as a demo is also added that how the datasets had been made.
- Use different natural language understanding scoring methods or libraries to determine the sentiment score of the hashtags. Put your codes in a Jupyter Notebook. Here is a video about the NLU and sentiments analysis: Sentiment analysis types and approaches
- If you are done with part 1 of the task you can make the plots of the scores, based on weeks, days and months, keep them in part 2 of the same notebook. Here is a video, which will help you to create plots: Creating and Customizing Our First Plots
- If you want to do more after part 2 you can make a small report of your understanding based on your plots observations, write some discussions about them and that will be the end of the project. You can have a look on this video: Sentiment Analysis: extracting emotion through machine learning | Andy Kim | TEDxDeerfield
- First go to
, where you can find the issues. Comment on the task 1 issue, if your are interested.
- You can fork and start working on the project, when you are done make a PR on the
,please dont make the PR in the main branch.
- For task 1 and task 2 only one jupyter notebook is needed and make you PR inside
, the name of the file should be name_of_the_contributor.ipynb, and should be in this format:
- For task 3 please make your PR inside
, the name of the file should be name_of_the_contributor.pdf, and should be in this format:
- Please don't forget to add a comment on the issues before making the PRs, for questions please feel free to drop it in the discord channel.
To use the dataset go inside the
and get the understanding from the
If you wonder how the datasets had been made, have a look inside this
and have a look at the example.ipynb, if you wants to test that notebook please run this command first:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And then open jupyter notebook and test them with your examples, have fun!!!!:wink::wink::wink:
Links to some research paper: Link 1 : DepecheMood++,a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques ; Link 2 : Multilingual Twitter Sentiment Classification ; Link 3 : Sentiment Analysis in Social Media and Its Application; Link 4 : A Study on Sentiment Analysis Techniques of Twitter.
Links to the notebooks: Notebook1 ; Notebook2 ; Notebook3 ; Notebook4.