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Dazza Greenwood edited this page Dec 28, 2016 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the AutomatedLoanFund wiki!


  • Contract creation will involve generating a specialized jwot utilizing json-ld (for purposes of a workable starting point, we can use this approach or this second alternative alternative JSON format loan contract.
  • Utilize blockstack's onename to make the tie in of a public/private key pair to an email, with which we make links to github and paypal.
  • Utilize "ChooseAction" as the syntax for approaching signing the contract with a private key
  • Signing will be done through a chrome extension that will act like a keychain.(Lastpass?)
  • Utilizing github and git as the main method of datastore among the parties involved through webhooks
  • We can also store some of the info on a blockchain just as a means of exploration.
  • Contract should feed in to an automated system, that will send emails as means of notice. (
  • Integrate a payment system like paypal on top to do things like invoicing, and prototype the actual payments.

Basic Approach

The following functionality is envisoned for this PoC:

  • cryptographic multi-sig on legally enforceable contract (this could be based on OpenGPG key of each user/borrower/member perhaps leveraging via a web app)
  • container within which the contract record, in each state, exists
  • web-hooks and github for data store (alt was other pubsub and containers to come)
  • blockstack identities, and integrate at the CLI
  • small chrome extension to enable users to sign the loan contract file
  • jwot or verified claims as options for standards for signed file
  • expore using "ChooseAction" as syntax and approach for "sign this" message
  • want to put hash of contract and final legal notice on loan onto blockchain (maybe Tiereon API?)

Signing Flow:


In general, we'll use as the tool and use the following conventions when diagramming:

Also, see:

The general context surrounding this loan fund automation research project can be found here:

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