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Moved publishing methods to their respective methods class, with the …
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…main abstracted method change do _publish_content on rest_api_base
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Bryant Howell committed Nov 13, 2019
1 parent 5125170 commit 0fe9242
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Showing 8 changed files with 321 additions and 372 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1061,9 +1061,8 @@ The Tableau REST API can publish both data sources and workbooks, either as TWB
If a workbook references a published data source, that data source must be published first. Additionally, unlike Tableau Desktop, the REST API will not find linked files and upload them. A workbook with a "live connection" to an Excel file, for example, must be saved as a TWBX rather than a TWB for an upload to work correctly. The error messages if you do not follow this order are not very clear.

#### 1.5.1 Publishing a Workbook or Datasource
The publish methods must upload directly from disk. If you are manipulating a workbook or datasource using the TableauFile / TableauDocument classes, please save the file prior to publishing. Also note that you specify a Project object rather than the LUID.
The publish methods must upload directly from disk. If you are manipulating a workbook or datasource using the TableauFile / TableauDocument classes, please save the file prior to publishing. Also note that you specify a Project object rather than the LUID. Publishing methods live under their respective sub-objects in TableauServeRest: .workbooks, .datasources or .flows

These live under `TableauServerRest.publishing` when using those classes.

`TableauRestApiConnection.publish_workbook(workbook_filename, workbook_name, project_obj, overwrite=False, connection_username=None, connection_password=None, save_credentials=True, show_tabs=True, check_published_ds=True)`

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tableau_rest_api/methods/
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Expand Up @@ -164,6 +164,16 @@ def download_datasource(self, ds_name_or_luid: str, filename_no_extension: str,
return save_filename

def publish_datasource(self, ds_filename: str, ds_name: str, project_obj: Project,
overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, connection_username: Optional[str] = None,
connection_password: Optional[str] = None, save_credentials: Optional[bool] = True,
oauth_flag: Optional[bool] = False) -> str:
project_luid = project_obj.luid
xml = self._publish_content('datasource', ds_filename, ds_name, project_luid, {"overwrite": overwrite},
connection_username, connection_password, save_credentials, oauth_flag=oauth_flag)
datasource = xml.findall('.//t:datasource', self.ns_map)
return datasource[0].get('id')

# Tags
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tableau_rest_api/methods/
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Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,18 @@ def download_flow(self, flow_name_or_luid: str, filename_no_extension: str,
return save_filename

def publish_flow(self, flow_filename: str, flow_name: str, project_obj: Project,
overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, connection_username: Optional[str] = None,
connection_password: Optional[str] = None, save_credentials: Optional[bool] = True,
oauth_flag: Optional[bool] = False, description: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
project_luid = project_obj.luid
xml = self._publish_content(content_type='flow', content_filename=flow_filename, content_name=flow_name,
project_luid=project_luid, url_params={"overwrite": overwrite},
connection_username=connection_username, connection_password=connection_password,
save_credentials=save_credentials, oauth_flag=oauth_flag, description=description)
flow = xml.findall('.//t:flow', self.ns_map)
return flow[0].get('id')

class FlowMethods34(FlowMethods33):
def __init__(self, rest_api_base: TableauRestApiBase34):
self.rest_api_base = rest_api_base
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350 changes: 0 additions & 350 deletions tableau_rest_api/methods/

This file was deleted.

206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions tableau_rest_api/methods/
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Expand Up @@ -665,6 +665,212 @@ def send_binary_get_request(self, url: str) -> bytes:
return self._request_obj.get_response()

# Generic implementation of all content publishing
def _publish_content(self, content_type: str, content_filename: str, content_name: str, project_luid: str,
url_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
connection_username: Optional[str] = None, connection_password: Optional[str] = None,
save_credentials: Optional[bool] = True, show_tabs: Optional[bool] = False,
check_published_ds: Optional[bool] = True, oauth_flag: Optional[bool] = False,
generate_thumbnails_as_username_or_luid: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None, views_to_hide_list: Optional[List[str]] = None):
# Single upload limit in MB
single_upload_limit = 20

# If you need a temporary copy when fixing the published datasources
temp_wb_filename = None

# Must be 'workbook' or 'datasource' or 'flow'
if content_type not in ['workbook', 'datasource', 'flow']:
raise InvalidOptionException("content_type must be 'workbook', 'datasource', or 'flow' ")

file_extension = None
final_filename = None
cleanup_temp_file = False

for ending in ['.twb', '.twbx', '.tde', '.tdsx', '.tds', '.tde', '.hyper', '.tfl', '.tflx']:
if content_filename.endswith(ending):
file_extension = ending[1:]

# If twb or twbx, open up and check for any published data sources
if file_extension.lower() in ['twb', 'twbx'] and check_published_ds is True:
self.log("Adjusting any published datasources")
t_file = TableauFile(content_filename, self.logger)
dses = t_file.tableau_document.datasources
for ds in dses:
# Set to the correct site
if ds.published is True:
self.log("Published datasource found")
self.log("Setting publish datasource repository to {}".format(self.site_content_url))
ds.published_ds_site = self.site_content_url

temp_wb_filename = t_file.save_new_file('temp_wb')
content_filename = temp_wb_filename
# Open the file to be uploaded
content_file = open(content_filename, 'rb')
file_size = os.path.getsize(content_filename)
file_size_mb = float(file_size) / float(1000000)
self.log("File {} is size {} MBs".format(content_filename, file_size_mb))
final_filename = content_filename

# Request type is mixed and require a boundary
boundary_string = self.generate_boundary_string()

# Create the initial XML portion of the request
publish_request = bytes("--{}\r\n".format(boundary_string).encode('utf-8'))
publish_request += bytes('Content-Disposition: name="request_payload"\r\n'.encode('utf-8'))
publish_request += bytes('Content-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n'.encode('utf-8'))

# Build publish request in ElementTree then convert at publish
publish_request_xml = ET.Element('tsRequest')
# could be either workbook, datasource, or flow
t1 = ET.Element(content_type)
t1.set('name', content_name)
if show_tabs is not False:
t1.set('showTabs', str(show_tabs).lower())
if generate_thumbnails_as_username_or_luid is not None:
if self.is_luid(generate_thumbnails_as_username_or_luid):
thumbnail_user_luid = generate_thumbnails_as_username_or_luid
thumbnail_user_luid = self.query_user_luid(generate_thumbnails_as_username_or_luid)
t1.set('generateThumbnailsAsUser', thumbnail_user_luid)

if connection_username is not None:
cc = ET.Element('connectionCredentials')
cc.set('name', connection_username)
if oauth_flag is True:
cc.set('oAuth', "True")
if connection_password is not None:
cc.set('password', connection_password)
cc.set('embed', str(save_credentials).lower())

# Views to Hide in Workbooks from 3.2
if views_to_hide_list is not None:
if len(views_to_hide_list) > 0:
vs = ET.Element('views')
for view_name in views_to_hide_list:
v = ET.Element('view')
v.set('name', view_name)
v.set('hidden', 'true')

# Description only allowed for Flows as of 3.3
if description is not None:
t1.set('description', description)
p = ET.Element('project')
p.set('id', project_luid)

encoded_request = ET.tostring(publish_request_xml, encoding='utf-8')

publish_request += bytes(encoded_request)
publish_request += bytes("\r\n--{}".format(boundary_string).encode('utf-8'))

# Upload as single if less than file_size_limit MB
if file_size_mb <= single_upload_limit:
# If part of a single upload, this if the next portion
self.log("Less than {} MB, uploading as a single call".format(str(single_upload_limit)))
publish_request += bytes('\r\n'.encode('utf-8'))
publish_request += bytes('Content-Disposition: name="tableau_{}"; filename="{}"\r\n'.format(
content_type, final_filename).encode('utf-8'))
publish_request += bytes('Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n'.encode('utf-8'))

# Content needs to be read unencoded from the file
content =

# Add to string as regular binary, no encoding
publish_request += content

publish_request += bytes("\r\n--{}--".format(boundary_string).encode('utf-8'))

url = self.build_api_url("{}s").format(content_type)

# Allow additional parameters on the publish url
if len(url_params) > 0:
additional_params = '?'
i = 1
for param in url_params:
if i > 1:
additional_params += "&"
additional_params += "{}={}".format(param, str(url_params[param]).lower())
i += 1
url += additional_params

if temp_wb_filename is not None:
if cleanup_temp_file is True:
return self.send_publish_request(url, None, publish_request, boundary_string)
# Break up into chunks for upload
self.log("Greater than 10 MB, uploading in chunks")
upload_session_id = self.initiate_file_upload()

# Upload each chunk
for piece in self.read_file_in_chunks(content_file):
self.log("Appending chunk to upload session {}".format(upload_session_id))
self.append_to_file_upload(upload_session_id, piece, final_filename)

# Finalize the publish
url = self.build_api_url("{}s").format(content_type) + "?uploadSessionId={}".format(
upload_session_id) + "&{}Type={}".format(content_type, file_extension)

# Allow additional parameters on the publish url
if len(url_params) > 0:
additional_params = '&'
i = 1
for param in url_params:
if i > 1:
additional_params += "&"
additional_params += "{}={}".format(param, str(url_params[param]).lower())
i += 1
url += additional_params

publish_request += bytes("--".encode('utf-8')) # Need to finish off the last boundary
self.log("Finishing the upload with a publish request")
if temp_wb_filename is not None:
if cleanup_temp_file is True:
return self.send_publish_request(url, None, publish_request, boundary_string)

except IOError:
print("Error: File '{}' cannot be opened to upload".format(content_filename))

if file_extension is None:
raise InvalidOptionException(
"File {} does not have an acceptable extension. Should be .twb,.twbx,.tde,.tdsx,.tds,.tde".format(

def initiate_file_upload(self):
url = self.build_api_url("fileUploads")
xml = self.send_post_request(url)
file_upload = xml.findall('.//t:fileUpload', self.ns_map)
return file_upload[0].get("uploadSessionId")

# Uploads a chunk to an already started session
def append_to_file_upload(self, upload_session_id, content, filename):
boundary_string = self.generate_boundary_string()
publish_request = "--{}\r\n".format(boundary_string)
publish_request += 'Content-Disposition: name="request_payload"\r\n'
publish_request += 'Content-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n'
publish_request += '\r\n'
publish_request += "--{}\r\n".format(boundary_string)
publish_request += 'Content-Disposition: name="tableau_file"; filename="{}"\r\n'.format(
publish_request += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n'

publish_request += content

publish_request += "\r\n--{}--".format(boundary_string)
url = self.build_api_url("fileUploads/{}".format(upload_session_id))
self.send_append_request(url, publish_request, boundary_string)

# Generic implementation of all the CSV/PDF/PNG requests
def _query_data_file(self, download_type: str, view_name_or_luid: str, high_resolution: Optional[bool] = None,
view_filter_map: Optional[Dict] = None,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tableau_rest_api/methods/
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Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ def delete_subscriptions(self, subscription_luid_s: Union[List[str], str]):

class SubscriptionMethods27(SubscriptionMethods):
def __init__(self, rest_api_base: TableauRestApiBase28):
def __init__(self, rest_api_base: TableauRestApiBase27):
self.rest_api_base = rest_api_base

class SubscriptionMethods28(SubscriptionMethods27):
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