Explore dog and cat people all over the world and hit the like button to match new friends. Free audio and video call let you enjoy chatting with friends. Post your lovely perts to show off how cute they are. https://itunes.apple.com/app/hooman-talk/id1332388329
- AutoLayout for adapting user interface to context and different iPhone sized devices.
- UITabBarController for switching 4 View Controllers: Match, Caht, Pet, Profile.
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Model-View-Controller
- Reference Type v.s. Value Type
- Delegate
- Closures
- Singleton
- Grand Central Dispatch
- Auto Reference Counting
- Unowned v.s. Weak
- Localization
- iOS 10.2+
- Xcode 8.0+
- pod install
- [email protected]