- 🔭 I’m currently working on an open source system for managing virtual machines for classes. The system interfaces with OpenNebula, and handles simple configuration of machines as well.
- 🥽 In terms of ongoing projects i have a whole list of stuff that im working on:
- Something like pastebin, but selfhosted, with basically a web notepad.
- Esp32 information screen, and room sensor system
- A program that allows you to save templates for files or whole filestructures, and re-create them on-demand.
- I also have a whole bunch of other projects in progress, but these are my on-going ones.
- 🌟 The project, outside of the collaborative ones at Uni, that have seen the most use, would be the glider flight simulator trailer that i was a part of building. It is a large trailer for a car, that has the cockpit of a glider inside, as well as a computer and monitors. All the controlls for the plane, are hooked up to original controlls, and it uses a virtual instrument panel. A glider organisation in Denmark now owns and maintains the sim for training.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to program Rust as it seems like the future of performant computing as well as programming micros.
- 👯 I’m looking forward to these next few years, as i'll finish my masters in Software Engineering, and it will be amazing to start working for real.
- 💬 Ask me about anything, and im here to help out or talk to.
- 📫 You can contact me here, and i'll be happy to have a chat.