- Support multiple database connections
- Support multiple fixtures formats loading (for each connection)
Run the following commands to install this package
composer require --dev hotel-quickly/nette-phpunit
In order to use Database test case, you must extend your base class from HQ\Test\AbstractDbTestCase
and implement these 3 methods
- This method will returnNette\Di\Container
- Return an array ofHQ\Test\Connection\AbstractConnection(connectionName, baseSchema, ...)
connections object.
- connectionName - A database connection name, which will be used as a prefix of fixture file.
- baseSchema - Database schema which includes
sql statements.
- Return a base directory for searching base fixture file (see
use HQ\Test\AbstractDbTestCase;
use HQ\Test\Connection\NetteConnection;
class YourBaseDbTestCase extends AbstractDbTestCase
protected function getContainer()
return require dirname(__DIR__) . '/app/bootstrap.php';
protected function getConnections()
return [
new NetteConnection('default', __DIR__ . '/../tests/skeleton.sql', $this->container->getService('database.default.context'))
public function getBaseFixtureDir()
return __DIR__;
By default, fixtures will be automatically loaded from 3 places, in the following orders
base fixtures
class fixtures
instance fixtures
This is a primary fixtures that will be loaded for all test cases (think of it as initial data for the whole apps)
+- YourBaseDbTestCase.php
+- <connection-name>-fixtures.{yaml, json, php} e.g. default-fixtures.json
This will be loaded each time test case was invoked.
+- User
+- UserTest.php
+- <connection-name>-fixtures.{yaml, json, php} e.g. default-fixtures.json
This is pretty much the same as class fixtures
, except that we define the fixture inside TestCase
itself (so only php array
is supported.
class MyTest extends MyBaseDbTestCase
public function getFixtures()
return [
'<connection-name>' => [
####Fixture formats + structure
This library currently supports 3 fixture formats e.g. json
, yaml
and php
All formats has the same fixture structure i.e.
"<table-name>": [
"<field-name1>": "<value1>",
"<field-name2>": "<value2>"
"user": [
{"username": "john"},
{"username": "jane"}
username: john
username: jane
example - NOTE - Don't forget to put return
return [
'user' => [
['username' => 'john'],
['username' => 'jane'],
Due to the overhead of creating database schema at the beginning of the tests (only once). This might slow down your test suites speed. You can avoid this problem by exporting UNITTEST_CREATE_SCHEMA=false
env and then run unit test as usual. This will make it skips database schema create overhead.
- InvalidArgumentException: There is already a table named account with different table definition.
This error indicates that your fixtures for same dataset (table
e.g. user
) has different column structure.
For example, you have default-fixtures.yaml
that contains user
table and it has the following fields
username: john
But somewhere in other fixtures, you have same user table with different fields e.g.
email: john
This will cause the above error. To fix this, just make sure you define the same fields on each fixtures.
- ErrorException: ini_set(): Cannot change zlib.output_compression - headers already sent
This happens when Nette has php ini zlib.output_compression
enabled in the container. Removing this config during testing will fix this error