DevCenter was created in order to help users have less clutter open on their tabs. Three General Assembly students Diego Burgos, Dominique Hosea, and Austin Ferrin wanted to create an App that would allow the users to authenticate with other applications and then be able to use some base functionality of those sites via a third party API. Please feel free to visit and join DevCenter
- Python
- Django
- Social OAuth
- Tweepy
- Boto3
- PyGitHub
- Heroku
- LucidChart
Our Team started planning by using Lucid charts to design the wire frames. We wanted to be able to have an individual profile experience with the ability to have a team component if the user desired to link up with others.
Using Trello DevCenter was able to stay organized with all team members. It was an essiental part of our daily stand ups and helped to set the tone of the day for what we needed to accomplish.
One part of the puzzel that has yet to be solved was how to get Twitter styling to display on our page.
We would like to be able to log in page with Twitter such as the Github link we have. We also want to be able to figure out how achive the Twitter styling that the users expect. Lastly, we want the user to be able to add a photo of their choice to the article detail page to add some depth and better visualization.