Bug Fixes
- about: removed about css (e30bc6f)
- about: removed unused component (0cd90bd)
- add build pipeline (2484859)
- add category on backend (f9d386a)
- add comments (f07b7f3)
- add comments frontend (e52b967)
- add cron job and be info for scheduling posts (3710803)
- add functionality for listen button (ddd92d7)
- add helper functions (9d929aa)
- add jwt to readme (e09a95f)
- add private router (afc2072)
- add publishing to dev to and medium (b6b2fdf)
- add quick link (087df1a)
- add simple form (340900d)
- add tests (8874798)
- add timeline info (91cdbfe)
- add utils (15ce8bb)
- added cache for remaining controllers with cookies (f424592)
- added config files (a64cc81)
- added config files (139054f)
- added env cmdrc (c4a490f)
- added fonts and new logo (cea0c05)
- added https in script (c8d1cc6)
- added live data for blog (6648ab7)
- added more layouts (40260ce)
- added nav and footer to articles (6b20b2f)
- added new logo (4a9ad83)
- added new routes (0b4f2c5)
- added packages (b0bdf5f)
- added prep for article model to add comments (06bb4cb)
- adj blod id screen (43cd209)
- adj client page (a71ec94)
- adj home screen (d88b6b1)
- adj pic and add titleFont (d52310f)
- adj responsiveness (a876101)
- adjusted about page (e44dc00)
- adjusted contact page and form (affb140)
- Adjusted hero size (7a9526e)
- adjusted home and history page (a0dfdac)
- admin: adjusted uploads list (a359890)
- admin: adjusted user list (6e3458d)
- api: added console logs (4b69046)
- article: added skeleton to article (8f25537)
- article: adjusted article apperance (d820cb4)
- article: allow for article creation (7450b84)
- article: remove check for exisiting article (2237097)
- articles: added login validation and updated articles info (7149f4c)
- articles: added openAPI for blog posts (7cd6591)
- articles: added register styling and adjusted create blog layout (6acd87a)
- articles: adjusted create article page (03a66ba)
- articles: adjusted hr element (9304ac0)
- articles: adjusted main posts (d6e1e3b)
- articles: update articles payload (1e5e034)
- articles: update edit feature (699ee40)
- articles: update edit feature (b0f0b3c)
- articles: update notifications button (7fb4d13)
- articles: updated articles for popular and recent posts (be9f621)
- article: update articles backend (21eb431)
- article: update articles frontend (ca02b2c)
- assets: move svg to components (d6c46d8)
- assets: moved images to s3 (7950923)
- assets: removed all files from assets (b473a92)
- assets: removed all fonts from assets (e12bb87)
- assets: removed all gifs and videos from assets (990f9df)
- assets: removed all icons from assets (489e84a)
- assets: removed all images from assets (81737ef)
- assets: removed all sound from assets (873858a)
- assets: replace s3 with clouudfront cdn (403cb22)
- auth: ability to manage role (6902db3)
- blog tab styles (af28436)
- buttons: added home buttton styled components (9f1dab8)
- buttons: added new project highlight button (b247785)
- buttons: added styled button (6fa87d6)
- buttons: added styled button (1d3eb6c)
- buttons: added styled button personalbrand (d9fa435)
- buttons: added styled input button (c2334bf)
- buttons: removed and added contact button (a439a31)
- buttons: removed home buttton (2af3dea)
- buttons: removed home buttton css styles (2fba2b1)
- buttons: removed project highlight button (6fbfd19)
- changed home to hooks (59119e2)
- client: removed socialring (350dcfd)
- conditional navbar (5268454)
- contact: refactored contact page (9c0aab5)
- contact: removed contact css (cc130b9)
- controllers: adjusted backend controllers (27360a1)
- extrapolated article components (1ddca47)
- extrapolated article components main article (e7fef25)
- fix vulnerabilites (852d799)
- fix vulnerabilites (32891fe)
- fix vulnerabilites (1108903)
- fix vulnerabilites (5686bf9)
- fix vulnerabilites in react-html-parser (3c6a23a)
- fixed public screens (1e68a50)
- fixed the navbar (b0d9ff9)
- form: removed unused css (3daa861)
- gamecorner: remove unused games and reset styling (a7dc2df)
- game: update ganes (fb3aae9)
- githubActions: add dependency scan static scan (f832404)
- githubActions: add snyk static scan (80f7f13)
- githubActions: add snyk static scan (f7bd052)
- githubActions: add snyk static scan (a0f24ec)
- githubActions: update linter (337f650)
- githubActions: update linter (1c91592)
- githubActions: update linter (96d8be3)
- gitignore: added env cmdrc (34dcd25)
- gitignore: adj gitignore (98b2b9a)
- handle blog like button (fc28318)
- handle errors with register (7ed9b75)
- handle on save article (e1b27a3)
- handle select blog logic (d86f080)
- home: added repsonsiveness (f6342d6)
- home: repsonsiness twitter (d6378b0)
- install @material-ui/icons (f2a4d26)
- layout: Added contact hero styled component (cfa59cc)
- move id (ea97189)
- nav: adj nav settings (89d9d15)
- navbar: adjusted navbar (07ce7d6)
- Notification: added notifications on globalstate on contact form (156be48)
- package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (49c57e0)
- products: adjusted create products (30eed81)
- project: added download btn (5037dc2)
- projectard: added styled components (f4b7847)
- projectard: refactored project card (8143d1e)
- project: update project details page (5161033)
- protect game pages (ea58a05)
- README: add future enhancement (51c8f90)
- refactored app (c2bd1e8)
- register: removed login required (faf5692)
- remove cdn (a2dc0e2)
- remove cdn (e0f43f8)
- remove cdn (42d8586)
- remove cdn (e7bd1f4)
- remove console log (bc833cd)
- remove console log (df4a990)
- remove console log (0f308a9)
- remove unused links (84473c0)
- remove unused packages (c251728)
- remove unused packages (28949d8)
- removed additional nav and footer (3702310)
- removed helper function (baaa188)
- removed unused classnames (0215d38)
- Removed unused components (2d57e6b)
- Removed unused files (bfb0523)
- removed unused logo (581fdc7)
- revert version (c39ffb9)
- save blog post as a draft (537e352)
- secure resources (4ff2e51)
- security: add basic auth to articles (b4e635d)
- sentry: added sentry (e9626f2)
- sentry: handle performance for monitoring (f2e05a1)
- server: added routes (9c7dfd5)
- skeleton: added blog skeleton (48ff28f)
- sticky bottom (35268a9)
- sticky bottom (5b5c399)
- swaggeer pull (0a4c07c)
- test tag in pipeline (15eae51)
- test tag in pipeline (f47bcff)
- test tag in pipeline (6cb7be4)
- test tag in pipeline (b83a2d8)
- uninstall @material-ui (6fa3b3b)
- uninstall node-sass (849e84a)
- uninstall react-card-with-image (6fa5434)
- uninstall react-html-parser (7216511)
- uninstall react-paypal-express-checkout (4c05e40)
- update profile info (c22dd5d)
- update projects (d57246f)
- update ancor button (e55d3b9)
- update article (824dbb8)
- update article be (6114661)
- update article page design (71ab632)
- update articles page (71240ed)
- update articles pages (386d7e9)
- update articles pages (8f8260e)
- update backend articles (f6e0bae)
- update blog for publishing (7f851dd)
- update blog page (56aba14)
- update build in pipeline (994bf2f)
- update build in pipeline (94ac40c)
- update build in pipeline (64c70df)
- update build in pipeline (a9c39de)
- update build in pipeline (7aa3042)
- update build in pipeline (0b09cf0)
- update build in pipeline (4069ccb)
- update build in pipeline (c06a808)
- update build in pipeline (e294b27)
- update build in pipeline (509475e)
- update build in pipeline (427b147)
- update build in pipeline (f13a124)
- update build in pipeline (949923c)
- update build in pipeline (77d59ba)
- update build in pipeline (66690d8)
- update build in pipeline (b87a0e7)
- update build pipeline (36cd91a)
- update build pipeline (7d20c7a)
- update build pipeline (2a719af)
- update button components (fac63d6)
- update client side saving of articles (8541bee)
- update client side saving of articles (a151c80)
- update coming soon (5218815)
- update comments if empty (1281a56)
- update comments in articcles (bcde5c9)
- update docker build (3716fac)
- update env (c803693)
- update env (2d17b3f)
- update eslint to bypass errors (d7d6417)
- update favicon (4eee630)
- update files (9db71a5)
- update form and link (fe3036f)
- update form components (2f78de0)
- update homepage (0083008)
- update homepage tech section (8dc0aab)
- update imports (115a975)
- update imports (ca5e163)
- update imports (e1a208d)
- update imports (25eb889)
- update imports (5b482c6)
- update lint for equals (eeff645)
- update logged in blog management (27da74e)
- update login and creating blog (27313ec)
- update logo (5d86a14)
- update markdown file (f4d771f)
- update master pipeline (5411999)
- update name (6994f5a)
- update navbar (c728a3e)
- update new blog page (0a0b463)
- update node version (f3bf16f)
- update pipeline (90648dd)
- update pipeline (fcc205a)
- update prettier to bypass errors (92e0373)
- update projects (94e12e8)
- update read time (476dd14)
- update readme (9762444)
- update readme (9ff1942)
- update release tag in pipeline (0cf4d53)
- update release tag in pipeline (6a7ee23)
- update remove unused code (f2593f8)
- update router and pages with authorization (9cd8e3a)
- update server (6470af9)
- update sticky footer (bd2930e)
- update styling (ad39ae0)
- update tag in pipeline (a4ec7a1)
- update tag in pipeline (908f097)
- update tag in pipeline (7779484)
- update tag in pipeline (5c88417)
- update tag in pipeline (c564b8e)
- update tag in pipeline (e785257)
- update token issue when user still logged in (8b8b30d)
- updated article details (f8f5870)
- updated packages (f6f2357)
- updated responsiveness (90bf863)
- updated responsiveness (a3f5e06)
- updating comments on blog page (243d5bc)
- updating project data (efd12a1)
- updating user model (647be67)
- updating user update frontend logic (b0685e6)
- updating user update logic (d79a1fe)
- user: added cache for user with cookies (a3060c0)
- user: corrected typo (05486cb)
- user: handled user service and auth (39f5ea4)
- user: updated user backend (5ab7b14)
- utils: addded error handling for expired token (aaa54a9)
- utils: check for parama.id (5dd722a)
- wrap home page in a layout component (54f5efc)
- add animation to text (d10f5b1)
- add backend comments (90ebc5d)
- add Dockerfile (a4fd351)
- add frontend comments (cc58a8e)
- add game console (dbdfc3e)
- added cache (453985a)
- added checkout (13521d6)
- added config files (77da57d)
- added filters page (aae8f39)
- added masonry (778f438)
- added related products (8384ce2)
- added skeleton component (1137649)
- added toast (bce44a5)
- added user login and register (e28d822)
- adj blog and home (7bc1c0d)
- archive: added backend archive feature (53efb46)
- archive: added frontend archive feature (f1b0086)
- article: add linkedin posting (0600b75)
- article: add scheduled to client side (ba6b072)
- article: add tracking w/google analytics and article controller (2473598)
- backend: login protection (970006d)
- breakpoints: added breakpoints (307e393)
- cart: added payment from ui (002e663)
- data: add db backup to aws s3 (925368a)
- githubActions: add linter (b6e1290)
- githubActions: add snyk scan (f8530f4)
- image: added image optimization (8d1f0d8)
- layout: Added container styled component (fba9c8d)
- layout: Added h2 styled component (a1a6352)
- layout: refactored for styled components (393798d)
- linter: added eslint and editorconfig (6eeeca9)
- logger: added logging (86909d3)
- Notification: added notifications (3d270ca)
- Notification: added notifications (349d094)
- orders: added order history from ui (c1054fc)
- payment: added payment backend (eebb0a2)
- product: added detailed product (e3626f3)
- product: added product backend (3648b55)
- products: added create products (5c824c2)
- products: added product items (8bf01e4)
- products: added product page (69cdeb3)
- project: added project showcase (27dcba5)
- quote: Added quote styled component (a980b89)
- rate: added rate limiter (af7db0b)
- removed tags for showcase (3cfcfd6)
- shop: added shop page (fa1ad2b)
- testing: added testing (32aa44a)
- timeline: Added timeline component (66de3fe)
- user: added edit user profile (3d7d792)
- user: added user profile (ccc19cc)
- user: added user pull endpoint (c8fa6ff)
- wdyr: added why did you render (613927c)