by R.S. x00325051
Jan 15, 2024
All elements are denoted by comments in the code files:
"assignment01.html", "table001.html"
I am designing a dogecoin blockchain explorer site.
I have a design drawing for my site, but was unable to
scan it, because the Library was closed, and I do not own
a smartphone with which I could take a picture. Will
update this readme with a drawing by Wed. morning, Jan 17.
Create a basic HTML page with the instructed elements:
doctype, √
html, √
head, √
body, √
meta, √
lang, √
title, √
headers (at least 3 from h1-h6), √
paragraphs (p), √
lists (ol, ul, dl), √
line breaks (br), √
anchor (a, a link to another page), √
relative path, √
absolute path, √
fragment identifier, √
image, √
video, √
width, √
height, √
alt, √
table, √
row, √
data cell, √
border, √
table caption, √
table header, √
table body, √
table footer, √
spanning columns √