PST Rotator Plugin for FM-DX-Webserver
This plugin provides a graphical azimuth display (rotor view) with interactive control for the FM-DX web server.
- Rotor can now be controlled in admin mode even during the lock time
- Download the last repository as a zip
- Unpack all files into the web server plugins folder (\plugins\PSTRotator)
- Stop or close the fm-dx-webserver
- Enable the web server function in the PSTRotator (AZ) software
- Start/Restart the fm-dx-webserver with "npm run webserver" on node.js console, check the console informations
- Activate the PSTRotator plugin in the settings
- Stop or close the fm-dx-webserver
- Configure your personal settings in the automatically created pstrotator.json (in the folder: ../fm-dx-webserver-main/plugins_configs)
- Edit the line "PSTRotatorUrl: '';" and enter the IP:Port of your PST Rotator web server
- Start/Restart the fm-dx-webserver with "npm run webserver" on node.js console, check the console informations
The following variables can be changed in the configPlugin.json:
PSTRotatorUrl: '', // Base URL for the PST Rotator software
port: 3000, // Port for the internal CORS Proxy (default: 3000)
RotorLimitLineLength: 0, // Set the length of the line (default: 67, none: 0)
RotorLimitLineAngle: 129, // Set the angle of the line (e.g., 180)
RotorLimitLineColor:'#808080', // Set the color for the additional line (default: #808080)
lockStartTime: '', // Start time for locking in HH:MM format (empty means no locking / 00:00 = 24h lock)
lockEndTime: '' // End time for locking in HH:MM format (empty means no locking) / 00:00 = 24h lock)
To use the plugin effectively, you need a remote-capable rotor and the PSTRotator (AZ) software, which provides a web server. Admins can move the rotor by clicking on the degree ring or in the middle (manual input). The control can also be released to visitors using the on/off lock. A gray line that marks the rotor limit can also be defined in the header of the client script. If you don't want this, set the variable to 0.
Users of the RDS-Logger plugin please install version 1.3h or higher!
- rotor.png copied to /web/images for Linux compatibility
- Daily update check for admin
- Only the view mode has been removed and an admin lock timer has been set up
- configPlugin.json is moved to ../fm-dx-webserver-main/plugins_configs/pstrotator.json
- Only view mode can be configured on the server side (complete blocking of the control!)
- Adaptation of the web socket /extra to /data_plugins, index.js update is no longer needed from now on!
- New notification design (Toast Notification)
- Fixed configuration is now stored in configPlugin.json
- Bugfixing
- Possibility to publicly release the rotor control added (lock on/off)
- Using the webserver for PSTRotator communication (There were crashes when using TCP!)
- Rotor is now on the left side (Weather plugin no longer needs to be moved!)
- Rotor display and control on mobile devices
- The rotor limit is shown by a gray line
- Manual degree entry
- Authenticated Tune users can control the rotor
- using the TCP protocol for PSTRotator communication
- new layout
- simplified installation
- checking and automatic installation of required node.js modules
- interactive control by clicking on the desired number of degrees (only for admins!)
- Bidirectional communication via own websocket channel (no port forwarding is needed!)
- theme-specific design
- visually improved messages in the node.js console
This plugin provides a graphical azimuth representation (rotor view) for the FM-DX web server.