Generates sample data from Joi schema.
NOTE: This is absolutely not a complete or really working solution, i'm just implementing bits and bobs as I require them. Feel free to contribute handlers for other types.
Currently implemented:
✓ should generate an array
✓ should handle arrays with multiple objects
✓ should generate a boolean value
✓ should generate a date value
✓ should handle custom date formats
✓ should handle custom iso formats
✓ should generate a random number
✓ should be able to specify a minimum length
✓ should be able to specify a maximum length
✓ should be able to specify a minimum and maximum length
✓ should generate an object
✓ should generate an empty object
✓ should generate a random string
✓ strings should be able to specify a minimum length
✓ strings should be able to specify a maximum length
✓ strings should be able to specify a minimum and maximum length
✓ should be able to generate an email
✓ should be able to generate a guid
✓ should be able to generate an ip
✓ should be able to generate a hostname
✓ should generate a binary buffer
✓ should be able to specify a minimum length
✓ should be able to specify a maximum length
✓ should be able to specify a length
Install the module with: npm install joi-generate
var Joi = require('joi');
var generate = new require('joi-generate').Generate();
var schema = Joi.object({
details: Joi.string().min(100).max(200)
generate(schema, function(err, model) {
* model = { details: 'some random string between 100 and 200 chars' }
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- 0.1.5 Fixed bug in string handler
- 0.1.4 Added date format support
- 0.1.3 Version bump for 0.1.2
- 0.1.2 Added basic date
- 0.1.1 Added bool and email
- 0.1.0 Initial Release
Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard. Licensed under the MIT license.