This tool generates mock donation data for the SunBeam project to enhance campaign finance transparency.
Run the generator with:
poetry run python sunbeam/
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Paid for by Hensel for Congress
Make me a non-shitty concise readme for this
A mock data generator for [SunBeam](
to run it, poetry run python sunbeam/
Here is that modules code. Also license AGPL-3.0.
import requests
import time
from faker import Faker
import random
import uuid
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def load_config(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
config = yaml.safe_load(file)
return config
def load_zip_data(filepath):
df = pd.read_csv(filepath, dtype={'zip': str})
zip_code_dict = df.set_index('zip')[['city', 'state_id']].to_dict('index')
return zip_code_dict
def load_company_names(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
company_names =
# print("Loaded company names:", company_names) # Debug statement to verify the content of the list
return company_names
def select_zip_code(config, zip_code_dict):
primary_zips = config['sunbeam']['donation']['zip_code']['primary']
weight = config['sunbeam']['donation']['zip_code']['weight'] / 100
if random.random() < weight:
return random.choice(primary_zips)
return random.choice(list(zip_code_dict.keys()))
def generate_dummy_data(zip_code, amount, zip_code_dict, days_back, company_names):
fake = Faker('en_US')
location = zip_code_dict.get(str(zip_code), {"city":, "state_id": fake.state_abbr()})
city = location["city"]
state = location["state_id"]
amount = round(amount, 2)
fees_amount = round(amount * 0.04 + 0.30, 2)
net_amount = round(amount - fees_amount, 2)
company_name = random.choice(company_names)
# Generate a random date from now to X days in the past
days_in_past = random.randint(0, days_back)
random_date = - timedelta(days=days_in_past)
formatted_date = random_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
return {
"submission_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"donation": {
"id": str(uuid.uuid4().hex),
"donation_project": "",
"products": [{
"internal_identifier": str(uuid.uuid4().hex[:4]),
"name": fake.word().capitalize()
"fees": {
"anedot_fees": {"amount": str(fees_amount)},
"vendor_fees": []
"origin": "hosted",
"commitment_uid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"event_amount": str(amount),
"amount_in_dollars": str(amount),
"net_amount": str(net_amount),
"frequency": "once",
"action_page_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"action_page_name": "New Donation Page",
"donor_profile_id": "",
"payment_method_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"created_at": formatted_date,
"updated_at": formatted_date,
"address_line_1": fake.street_address(),
"address_line_2": "",
"address_city": city,
"address_region": state,
"address_postal_code": zip_code,
"address_country": "US",
"phone": fake.phone_number(),
"first_name": fake.first_name(),
"last_name": fake.last_name(),
"middle_name": fake.first_name(),
"occupation": fake.job(),
"employer_name": company_name,
"title": "",
"suffix": "",
"ip_address": fake.ipv4(),
"recurring": "true",
"is_recurring_commitment": "true",
"referrer": "",
"referrer_to_form": "",
"custom_field_responses": {
"opt_one": "Option One"
"communications_consent_email": "",
"communications_consent_phone": "",
"currently_employed": ""
def send_post_request(url, data):
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, json={"event": "donation_completed", "payload": data})
return response
def main():
config = load_config('config.yml')
zip_code_dict = load_zip_data('assets/zip_codes.csv')
company_names = load_company_names('assets/companies.csv')
url = config['sunbeam']['donation']['request']
run_count = config['sunbeam']['donation']['run_count']
repeaters = config['sunbeam']['donation']['repeaters']
min_amount = config['sunbeam']['donation']['amount']['min']
max_amount = config['sunbeam']['donation']['amount']['max']
days_back = config['sunbeam']['donation']['time_machine']
all_data = []
for _ in range(run_count):
selected_zip = select_zip_code(config, zip_code_dict)
random_amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount)
data = generate_dummy_data(selected_zip, random_amount, zip_code_dict, days_back, company_names)
# Select random entries to repeat donations
repeater_indices = random.sample(range(len(all_data)), min(repeaters, len(all_data)))
for index in repeater_indices:
original_data = all_data[index]
new_data = original_data.copy() # Make a deep copy of the data
new_days_in_past = random.randint(0, days_back)
new_random_date = - timedelta(days=new_days_in_past)
new_formatted_date = new_random_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
new_data['created_at'] = new_formatted_date
new_data['updated_at'] = new_formatted_date
# Send data to server
for data in all_data:
response = send_post_request(url, data)
# print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}, Response Text: {response.text}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}")
dynamic_wait_time = random.randint(15, 150) # Generate a random wait time between 15 seconds and a few minutes
if __name__ == "__main__":