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♿ Accessibility
♿ Accessibility
Ensuring all campaign materials and tools are accessible
🔒 Blocked
🔒 Blocked
For tasks that cannot proceed until other issues are resolved
🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
For issues related to software bugs and glitches
🚀 Campaign Initiatives
🚀 Campaign Initiatives
For launching or managing specific campaign initiatives or events
🖼️ Content Creation
🖼️ Content Creation
Related to the creation of campaign content, like videos or blog posts
📊 Data Reports
📊 Data Reports
For issues or tasks related to the analysis and reporting of campaign data
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📚 Documentation
📚 Documentation
For campaign tech stack documentation and user guides
🧚 Feature Request
🧚 Feature Request
Requests for new features specific to campaign needs
🗳️ Feedback Needed
🗳️ Feedback Needed
Where input or decision from the campaign team is needed
🌱 Good First Task
🌱 Good First Task
Suitable for volunteers or new contributors to the campaign tech team
🔍 Investigation
🔍 Investigation
For tasks that require deep dive investigations or data analysis
📈 Metrics
📈 Metrics
For tracking and discussing campaign-related metrics or KPIs
📢 Outreach
📢 Outreach
Issues related to voter outreach, social media, and public engagement
🤔 Planning
🤔 Planning
For issues around strategic planning and feature prioritization
🏰 Security
🏰 Security
Focused on the cybersecurity aspects of the campaign’s technology
💬 Support
💬 Support
For tech support issues encountered by the campaign team or volunteers
🛠️ Task
🛠️ Task
General tasks, including development and operational activities
🔥 Urgent
🔥 Urgent
Tasks or issues that require immediate attention, critical for campaign operations