A kubectl plugin that create statefulset of oracle database 19.2 in your Kubernetes cluster.
You get the full power of oracle database 19.2 in about 10-20 min and you can access it on local laptop
Oracle Database is the foundation of many our services. We often need to provision a Database for test, stage and prod. We would like to automate it for Oracle DB19.2 . Different versions can be added later With this automation we can deploy a brand new Oracle DB 19.2 from your laptop via only 1 command. We can access DB from laptop within 20 min(as long as firewall ports open). We can also delete it and free resource via 1 command. It is based on DB docker images of oracle github. First time runner would take a bit more time to downloand DB docker image which is about 6.3G It leverages advantages of OKE and kubectl, we can deploy it from laptop or RUNDECK without accessing any VMs or bastion.
Download kubectl via official guide and configure access for your kubernetes cluster. Confirm kubectl get nodes is working Download binary from release link Save it to /usr/local/bin of linux box (only linux supported as for now), No installation needed, download and run
kubectl-oradb list|create|delete [-c cdbname] [-p pdbname] [-w syspassword] [-n namespace] [flags]
#create oracle db 19c statefulset with label app=peoradbauto details in the OKE cluster
#so far we support oracle db 19.2 , new db versions can be added later
kubectl-oradb create -c cdbname -p pdbname -w syspassword
# delete oracle db statefulset with label app=peoradbauto details in the OKE cluster.
# Data won't be deleted.PV and PVC are kept in OKE
kubectl-oradb delete -c cdbname
# list oracle db statefulset with label app=peoradbauto details in the OKE cluster
kubectl-oradb list
-c, --cdbname string User specified CDB name
-h, --help help for kubectl-oradb
-n, --namespace string User specified namespace (default "default")
-p, --pdbname string User specified PDB name
-w, --syspassword string sys system password of DB (default "H3YX5QRE")
Error: Please check kubectl-oradb -h for usage
More than welcome! please don't hesitate to open bugs, questions, pull requests