This repository contains the code for “Artificial Immune System for Tracking and Detecting Objects in Real-Time".
- AIS_TrackingAndDetection
- AIS_TrackingAndDetection/html : The Doxygen output
- AIS_TrackingAndDetection/tests : The unit tests
- python_scripts
- DataSets : Contains the test videos and configuration files that can be loaded by AIS_TrackingAndDetection.
This application has been built and tested on OSX-10.9.5 other OS's may vary.
Dependencies include :
- OpenCV 2.4,
- GSL,
- C++11,
- Qt
This project was created and compiled using QtCreator. The AIS_TrackingAndDetection/ file should be edited for your operating system.
The python scripts are used to run the AIS tracking on multiple threshold values, perform a comparison to the GT, and to plot graphs of the results.
To run of different NAT and ST values use :
> python
(Note : Before running the application(if you are not using OS-X) you will need to edit the “application” path within the python script. The ais_config file being used by the script may also require modifying, as this contains the path to the video.)
Dependencies include :
- numpy
- matplotlib
- mplot3d (
Use the following command to generate the Doxygen HTML :
> doxygen AIS_TrackingAndDetection/Doxygen
Helen Harman ([email protected])