Releases: HeartlessSeph/FighterCommander
0.97 (Infinite Wealth Fixes)
Fixes messed up names, conditions and states in Infinite Wealth. This was possible due to Jhrino.
Will require the Infinite Wealth cfc to be re-extracted. You should be able to re-extract modded cfcs without issues.
Fixed a glitch with Infinite Wealth repacking causing some moves to break.
Updated release. Supports cfc & chp repacking for all games.
OE Game Weapon Hact Fixes + Misc Updates
Fixed OE weapon hacts. Will need a fresh repack of the cfc or chp since it broke pointers.
0.93 Button Hold Fix
Fixes issue with Kiryu's agent styles upon repacking. Requires a fresh unpack since it did not properly extract before.
0.93 (Gaiden Support)
Adds Gaiden support. Gaiden is still extracted with the Kiwami 2 option.
0.92 Fix
Simple fix that was breaking extension
Removes dictionary dependency. Should prevent key errors when extracting newer games.
0.91 LJ Revision
Added support for Lost Judgment Fighter_Command.cfc unpacking and repacking.
Added support for Yakuza 5's hact.chp, courtesy of Draxx182.