Let's slime. Wheel of Slime is a 0-3 player party game created for the #SlimeJam, where it was judged as the most creative submission. It runs in the browser and uses text-to-speech technology, which varies depending on the browser you use. In my testing I have found it is the most stable in Firefox. Chrome offers more voice options, but sometimes freezes up if you skip dialogue too much.
All assets are AGPLv3. Names and jobs are taken from US Census Bureau. As works of the U.S. federal government, they are in the public domain.
uglifyjs helpers.js data.js words.js games.js person.js drawing.js slime.js input.js -o out.min.js
Go for it! Any changes that get accepted into the master branch will be deployed to the hosted version on the Haunted Bees website. Please make all changes GNU AGPLv3 compatible, or - even better - GNU AGPLv3 licensed.