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How to use GitHub Desktop App

DakkJaniels edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Using the GitHub desktop app

The GitHub desktop app provides an easy way for people not familar with git to interact with our respository.

Installing Git and GitHub Desktop

  1. If you're on Windows, install Git from
  2. Download and install the GitHub desktop app.

Setting up GitHub Desktop

Step 1

Once you've installed both of those, open up the GitHub deskop app. You will be presented with the following:

If you already have a GitHub account, click Sign in to, otherwise click Skip this step.

Step 2.

Enter your name and e-mail address in the fields provided and click continue

Step 3.

Tick/untick the Yes, submit periodic usage stats per your preference and click Finish.

Step 4.

Click Clone a repository from the internet…. You will then see a dialog.

  1. In the Repository URL field, enter:

  2. Use the Choose button by the Local path field to pick the location the repository will be cloned to.

  3. Click Clone

GitHub Desktop will then clone (download) the repository to your selected location and show you the repository home screen as shown below.

Now all you have to do to update in the future is click the Fetch origin button in the top bar.