This is a Telegram Bot to enable easy money tracking between two users. Find it at
- Python 3.6
- pip 9.0
- pip packages:
- telepot (12.3)
- urllib3 (1.22)
- requests (2.18.4)
These are the commands that are usable with the PayBobBot
/add recepient_name amount:
Documents the debt ofamount
/give recepient_name amount:
Documents the payment ofamount
/history number_of_entries recipient:
Requests for the transaction history betweenrecipient
up tonumber_of_entries
/history all:
Requests for your entire transaction history/loans recipient_name:
Request for your loan history withrecipient_name
Request for your entire loan history
db = Database()
Sets up the tables in the database -
addUser(username, chatId):
Adds new user to the database -
Returns the chatID of a user when it receives the username as argument -
Returns the username of a user when it receives the chatID as argument -
moneyOwed(payerUsername, payeeUsername):
Returns the amount user owes to a person. If person owes money to user, amount will be negative -
addReceipt(payerUsername, payeeUsername, description, amount):
To be used when: 1. Payer pays back payee. 2. Payer lends payee money -
Returns a list of all the payments that the 'username' has made. Return type: [(paidTo, Description, Amount)] -
Returns a list of all the payments that the 'username' has received. Return type:[(receivedFrom, Description, Amount)]
Prints an entire database table row by row. Tables can beuser
Returns a list of all the people the 'username' owes money to and how much. Return type:[(Username, Amount)]
Returns a list of all the people that owe 'username' money and how much they owe. Return type:[(Username, Amount)]
incrementReceipt(payerUsername, payeeUsername, description, amount):
To be used when when the person who owed now owes more i.e. payer gives money to payee -
decrementReceipt(payerUsername, payeeUsername, description, amount):
To be used when the person who owes now owes less i.e. payee returns some money -
paidEverything(payerUsername, payeeUsername):
Clears all records between the payer and payee -
transactionHistory(payerUsername, payeeUsername):
Returns a list of transactions between payer and payee. The amount is positive if payer paid and negative if payee paid. Return type:[(Description, Amount)]