For regular python package installation, type in pip install -r requirements.txt
It is not possible for CenterFusion to run without the support of DCNv2 plugin(A Deformable convolutional network algorighm), you should install it with python
and compile it as TensorRT plugin.
You should then be able to build our source code by
mkdir build && cd build
where ${TRT_LIB_PATH}
refers to the library path where you built your DCN-TRT plugin, only in this way can your TRT onnx parser recognize the dcn node in ONNX graph.
Please download and preprocess nuscenes dataset according to this, assuming your directory structure is like this :
`-- data
`-- nuscenes
|-- annotations_6sweeps
|-- maps
|-- samples
| |-- CAM_BACK
| | | -- xxx.jpg
| | ` -- ...
| | | -- xxx.pcd
| | ` -- ...
|-- sweeps
|-- v1.0-mini
|-- v1.0-test
`-- v1.0-trainval
move the annotation file data/val_top1000.json
to data/nuscenes/annotations_6sweeps
run the following commands :
cd tools/CenterFusion
sh experiments/
Then you should have the generated datas in data/predata
- images, contains 1000 frame input images for trt engines, each has its shape (3, 448, 800)
- calibs, contains 1000 frame camera intrinsics, each has its shape (3,4)
- pc_3ds, contains 1000 frame radar points, each has its shape (5,1000), each row stands for [loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, velo_x, velo_y]
- data_num.bin, wich shape (1000,), records valid point nums for each radar frame
These datas wille be used to feed the trt engines.
After the installation and input data generation, you can simply go to ${CF_ROOT}
, type in sh
to run the project.
Note that for the first time you run the project, it will take some time to generate trt engine from onnx files.
Then you should have the generated results in directory ${CF_ROOT}/results
To show the results like the video do, you should previously install ros package according you ubuntu version. Then you should compile with you python package
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python3-dev python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-numpy python3-yaml ros-melodic-cv-bridge
# Create catkin workspace
cd ${CF_ROOT}/tools/visualization/catkin_workspace
catkin init
# Instruct catkin to set cmake variables, feel free to change path according to your python version
catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
# Instruct catkin to install built packages into install place. It is $CATKIN_WORKSPACE/install folder
catkin config --install
# Find version of cv_bridge in your repository
apt-cache show ros-melodic-cv-bridge | grep Version
# Version: 1.13.0-0bionic.20220127.152918
# Checkout right version in git repo. In our case it is 1.13.0
cd src/vision_opencv/
git checkout 1.13.0
cd ../../
# Build
catkin build cv_bridge
# Extend environment with new package
source install/setup.bash --extend #or source install/setup.zsh
Open another two terminals, one type in rescore
, another type in rviz
, in this terminal, type in python
You can then add topics nusc_image/Image
, nusc_ego_car/Marker
, nusc_3dbox/MarkerArray
, then you'll be able to see the detection results.
Our example use the pretrain model
centerfusion_e60 (you can export you own model according to this process), you can turn to here to see the detailed metrics of this default model. To export the default model, download this model weight and put it to tools/CenterFusion/models
Before exporting to onnx, you should previousely install the CenterFusion python dependencies
cd tools/CenterFusion
pip install -r requirements.txt
For DCNv2 python package installation, pls turn to here.
You can then exporting as onnx models by
cd tools/CenterFusion
sh experiments/
Then you'll see two onnx files in tools/CenterFusion/models
The computation latency(by millisecond) is computed for each module, you can see the below table
Preprocess | CameraInfer | FrustumAssoc | FeatMerge | FusInfer | PostProcess | Total | |
engine_fp16 | 0.09 | 7.44 | 7.64 | 0.05 | 1.00 | 0.62 | 16.84 |
engine_fp32 | 0.16 | 12.03 | 8.81 | 0.04 | 3.05 | 0.75 | 24.84 |
The main modules of procession can be seen here
The most innovative parts are pc_dep generation and frustum association, we'll illustrate the main ideas.
This is a step where we encode the raw radar points as a structured pseudo-image data format .
Given each radar points, we firstly generate its coordinated pillar(with size 0.2, 0.2, 1.5 for length,width,height) in camera-viewed 3d space, we then project its 8 corners to image pixel coordinates, calculating its 2d top-left & bottom-right corners, which defines a 2d box, we insert (loc_z, velo_x,velo_z) of this radar point to each pixel inside this 2d box , when two boxs are intersected, we insert the nearer point feature to the intersected area. The 3d pillars and generated pc_dep can be seen here :
An object detected using the image features (left), generating the ROI frustum based on object’s 3D bounding box (middle), and the BEV of the ROI frustum showing radar detections inside the frustum (right). δ is used to increase the frustum size in the testing phase. d is the ground truth depth in the training phase and the estimated object depth in the testing phase.
This project refers to some codes from CenterFusion but some codes have been slightly modified.
Haohao by [email protected]