git clone --recurse-submodules
cd hanjp-im
# Then, you can build engine mannually
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Although you can build it mannually, we recommend to use IDE such as VS Code, CLion.
The Hanjp Input Method project is a IME project that aims to give a Hangul jaso Japanese editing enviornment in Korean users friendly form. With a hanjp engine that fits in your environment, you can edit a Kana document with a Hangul jaso. This project supports(but not limited to) Linux platform.
Currently, the software depends on two packages.
We can install packages with fllowing command.
# On Ubuntu
sudo apt update && sudo apt install libibus-1.0-dev libhangul-dev
It is noted in License
시연 영상을 YouTube 에서 보려면 아래 이미지를 누르세요
Click the image below to watch hanjp-im demo on YouTube