Extract all users and check if they are over a certain ratio for mail quota usage. Send a message to them hilighting the fact.
You need to visit the GleSYS customer panel and activate the API and add a user+key combination that can access the email settings on your behalf.
Uses the httplib2 python module for communication. Everything else should be available in standard distribution.
The email warning is sent using SMTP communication, either use the GleSYS mailserver or you need your own. Default setting is to print the information to STDOUT only, in that case there are no SMTP dependency.
Copy the mailquotaconfig.ini.example file to mailquotaconfig.ini.example. Edit the file for your settings.
If you are not very comfortable with editing configuration files use the wizard also included in the repository. Also usable for editing a already present file.
Start wizard: ./makeconfig.py
...but that's for the future. See mb-configmaker branch.
Bare minimum configuration is User and Key to the API and the domain name to execute the check.
If you need to get a complete list of the current usage state change the verbose config to True otherwise only information for accounts over the ratio will be shown and could render that no output is shown (when no account are over the ratio).
Use cron to make it execute every Monday at 6 in the morning. 0 6 * * 1 /path/to/glesys-email-quota-warning/warning.py
The code is written by Martin Bagge / brother [email protected] on behalf of Halmstad Studentkår, KAOS. The code is licensed MIT, patches and suggestions are welcome.
Contact KAOS at [email protected] if needed.