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Ansible role to install Gitea, optionally Gitea Actions ACT runner, optionally Drone

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Ansible role: gitea

This role installs

  • Gitea
  • ACT runner (optional) with act_runner running native on the host.
  • Drone (optional) with a drone-runner as docker containers. It also installs the drone-runner-exec runner for jobs to be executed on the local gitea host outside of docker.

It is safe to run multiple times - it will not destroy or overwrite existing configurations.

Installation directories

The defaults/main.yml file defines the variable gitea_datasets which define where gitea will store its data. (datasets is used to encourage use of ZFS for storage). By default the main dir is /stuff/gitea. All file/dir references here are based on that

Important files

/drone/drone.env : Contains env variables to configure drone, drone-runner and drone-runner-exec.

/drone/drone_cmdline.env : Contains the DRONE_TOKEN and DRONE_SERVER variables which hold the token and server location needed for the drone cmdline tool.

/gitea/admin.tokens : Contains the client_id and client_secret variables drone needs for access to gitea

NOTE: drone pulls images defined in the .drone.yml with no authentication. See How to prevent DockerHub pull rate limit errors for how to login

Modifications to target system

The role will create a git user on the target system to enable git access via ssh, with the home directory for git set as /stuff/gitea/git. For git push over ssh to work and reach into the Gitea docker container a bit of ssh port redirection is needed. An ssh redirection shell script /usr/local/bin/gitea that contains

ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=\"$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" $0 $@"

Every user that adds an ssh key to their profile gets an entry in the git user /stuff/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys that looks similar to this

command="/usr/local/bin/gitea --config=/data/gitea/conf/app.ini serv key-1",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwrspgQ2SqKe2EJEzv7O1G123fsut8mJxdJ3CSjOEBS9PnjHVUaugfV71xaDYspef7jQ7JzlDY.... rest of ssh pub key .....

This redirects incoming ssh sessions for the git user to localhost:2222. The docker container for Gitea is listening on localhost:2222 and that's how the connection gets in. See the SSH Container Passthrough section in the Installation with Docker section of the Gitea docs.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below along with default values (see defaults/main.yml)

  • force_update: false

    Whether or not to remove any config files before installing. This ensures a clean install. Currently the following files can be removed (based on /stuff/gitea/:

    /drone/drone.env /act_runner-0.2.6-linux-amd64 (allows re-download of runner binary) /act_runner-0.2.6_config.yml /.runner

    TODO: Better cleanup of config files - backup existing for example.

  • enable_drone: true

    Whether or not to install drone and drone-runner containers for CI/CD

  • enable_act: true

    Whether or not to install the Gitea ACT runner for CI/CD. This is currently installed locally on the system and controlled via a systemd unit file.

    TODO: Move to a container for the act_runner like gitea, drone and drone-runner.

  • gitea_act_version: 0.2.6

    Which version of the Gitea ACT runner to install

  • gitea_act_capacity: 10

    How many concurrent jobs this ACT runner instance can handle

  • Container ports

    • gitea_container_port: 3000
    • gitea_drone_port: 3001
    • gitea_dronerunner_port: 3002

    Defines what port each container will listen on

  • Drone and drone-runner internal ports

    • gitea_drone_internal_port: 80
    • gitea_dronerunner_internal_port: 3000

    These are the ports that drone and drone-runner listen on internally - these vars are used by the molecule testing molecule/default/tests/test_default.yml goss file to verify that the containers are running. No longer using goss for verification tests - seems to be abandoned. Now minimal testing via testinfra is in place.

  • username: "{{ vault_username | default(ansible_user_id) }}"

    Used for file ownership and first admin user in Gitea (see gitea_drone_admin below) Will be pulled from vault if available.

  • Drone admin user/password

    • gitea_drone_admin: droneadmin
    • gitea_drone_pass: <some password>

    When Gitea is installed a primary admin user is created with this name. This is needed in order to generate the oauth2 client_id and client_secret variables that drone needs to access Gitea.

Example playbook (gitea.yml)

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: true

    - { role: ansible-gitea, tags: 'gitea' }

It can be run with something like

ansible-playbook -i hosts -l gitea.local gitea.yml -K --tags 'gitea'


Assuming the target system name is gitea.local ... Once installed, Gitea will be available at http://gitea.local:3000. Registration is OPEN by default, so register a user (will be a regular user). After logging into gitea, open another tab to Drone at http://gitea.local:3001. You should be redirected to Gitea to authorize access for Drone.

For adminstration of Gitea use the gitea_drone_admin and gitea_drone_pass values above to log in. For cmdline access to Drone use the following (remember, from data dir /stuff/gitea/drone/drone.env)

source /stuff/gitea/drone/drone_cmdline.env
drone info

Admin users

A regular user of Drone cannot enable privileged container settings (repo -> Settings -> Project Settings -> Trusted). In order to run privileged containers, a regular user (eg. octocat) must be updated to Admin. Keep in mind that this user then has admin control over Drone ...

source /stuff/gitea/drone/drone_cmdline.env
drone user update octocat --admin

Molecule testing

Pick the ubuntu version to test under (ubuntu2204, ubuntu2004). Molecule can be run locally if installed, or via a toolset container. The container method is slightly more complex (see cmdline below) but does not require anything on the local system other than docker.

Molecule is configured to use Podman for creating the container instances to install the ansible-gitea role into and run tests. The alpineset2 toolset container shown below is set up to handle that cleanly, and that's how the current CI/CD tests run, both for Drone and Gitea Actions.

NOTE: If you wish to use docker for testing, the environment variable DOCKER_HOST must set to the local /var/run/docker.sock - that way docker commands from inside the toolset container will use the host volume-mounted /var/run/docker.sock to access the current local host docker daemon. Also, the molecule/default/molecule.yml file needs modification to use docker.

docker run --rm -it -e MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu2204 -e DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock -v "$(pwd)":"${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock molecule test

The molecule/default/prepare.yml will create a temp directory molecule/default/molecule_test to act as a directory to store the usual gitea and drone data. By default, running molecule as above will create a podman container named instance-ubuntu2204 inside the alpineset2 container to run the role against. The role in turn creates the gitea/drone/drone-runner containers inside that instance-ubuntu2204 container. It's turtles/containers all the way down ...

Local testing with ACT runner

Testing on a local machine the same way as the CI/CD tests can be done with the Gitea ACT runner. A sample run

act_runner-main-linux-amd64 exec push -W .github/workflows/cicd.yml -j Molecule

Note: This example is using the older -main- version as this still supports enabling privileged containers in the workflow file (cicd.yml) with

      options: --privileged

If using the newer 0.2.6 runner than you will need to generate a config and modify the privileged option to true, as well as modify the container: stanza in cicd.yml. By default the 0.2.6 runner disables the ability to run privileged containers.

act_runner-0.2.6-linux-amd64 generate-config | sed 's/privileged: false/privileged: true' > act_config.yml

act_runner-0.2.6-linux-amd64 --config act_config.yml exec push -W .github/workflows/cicd.yml -j Molecule

cicd.yml changes

      privileged: true

This role installs the 0.2.6 runner and generates a modified config file in /stuff/gitea/act_0.2.6_config.yml as above.



Ansible role to install Gitea, optionally Gitea Actions ACT runner, optionally Drone






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